Order of Operations

Jul 20, 2009 21:30

Basically I had the guts to do what I wanted to that day Martel face-planted on the deck and crushed the nose of the mask, since repaired with glue and paint. One of those occurrances that makes me wish I didn't have a favorite, but I can't help it, and if I could, I would have picked a different doll.

What kind of dreams does a doll that knows it's a doll have? Does it have dreams at all, and when it lies awake wondering if it has a soul, does it also wonder if soulless things can dream?

I can't decide which is better - above or on the ground?

AND THEN MY CAMERA BROKE. IT NO LONGER RECOGNIZES EXPOSURE COMPENSATION AND THE PICTURES IT PRODUCES ARE GRAINY AND DARK. It has, however, served me long and well. I'm just kind of annoyed. My car, my ipod, and now my camera. Fortunately my mom had a little P&S Canon that might be better than my poor sick Kodak, so I've asked the Sister-Creature to locate it for me (she does NOT need 2 similar cameras). I just wish it would keep on going, though. The color was always great and I knew how to use it. I should be distraught, but I'm not. I just keep thinking this isn't the end of it. There's always something. I wish I could buy myself a new camera now.

See? It's kind of cool, but not what it should be doing.

martel, golden fer, marionette

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