HUGE update

May 05, 2009 14:35

May began with what was probably the best show of the year-- Burning Fight. I finally fulfilled my dream of seeing Trial play. I'm not even going to try to explain how fucking incredible and intense that was. nor can I explain how well the fest went.
Things like this remind me of why I love hardcore. The community is incredible-- there may be some flaws, but all in all people work together and the emotions that come out at a hardcore show leave me breathless.

It made me really happy to go to the show with Jay-- who got me into a lot of the bands and we have spent most of our friendship listening to hardcore and going to shows together, driving to out of state fests together. We've always talked about seeing Trial, and I was happy to have him there experiencing the moment with me.

Now I am home. I've been without my van for about 3 weeks now.. maybe more. She's done for. The engine died on me on the highway, of course that same morning my phone was shut off for overdue balance. and it was the same night/morning that we got a fucking blizzard. So a bad start with a bad ending. Now it's official, the engine is a done for.

Biking everywhere has been fun/ and frustrating dealing with assholes who tell me to get on the sidewalk. But I'll admit, Michigan wasn't made for biking-- thanks auto industry! The roads, the rain and the angry drivers make me pretty nervous when I bike to work.

Matt's been really helpful with letting me borrow his car when I can't do things on my bike-- pick up fruit for work, etc. I don't know what I'd do with out him.

I'd like to say that I'll never get a car again, but I don't see that happening. However, I'm not going to get another one until I come back from North Carolina in August.

In other news, I'm marking another tally for moving. I'm getting the fuck out of suburbia hell and back into the city, where I feel comfortable. I'll be moving in with Andrea Cardinal next week in Detroit. Further from work, but Royal Oak just isn't for me. PLUS it'll be cheaper and I'm looking forward to living with Andrea.

I'll only be there for a couple of weeks and then I'm hiding from civilization for 2 months. I'll be maybe only peeking out for dude fest if I can make that happen.

I leave May 30th. May 29th is the next Critical Mass. Amanda will be arriving from Montreal on the 22nd. I'm thinking about having a picnic in a park or something before I head out. Either way, the last day to see me is at Critical Mass, so you should stop making up excuses and be there!

and now I pack! If you want my new address, email me: kittylitter13[at]gmail[dot]com

update, hardcore, fests, amanda, andrea, moving, van, detroit, change, critical mass

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