Apr 11, 2009 11:07
Everything to Caitlyn was a blur. She never had tme to just down and relax. Running the KK was hard enough, The whole world seem to hate her. SHe sighed brushing her dark brown hair behind her ear. The wind had started to pick up blowing it back into her face. Caitlyn whistled and a small cat came up to her, blackish brown with a white ear her name was Nip, know for her powerful biteing skills.
Caitlyn picked Nip and stroked her glossy fur. "What am I going to do? The Whole fricken world hates me, Nip I want to relax like use to be able to, unlike now. " Nip purred and mewow someing quietly. Caitlyn sighed and put her down Nip darted away to chase after a mouse she saw. The world hates me... Why? She thought she started listing different things, she attack the U.S. goverment, she had taken every town under her name in the Terrtory Wars, and other stuff. Then she thought I have my kids, my boyfriend and the KK. Why am I worrying again? Caitlyn smilled and quoted something she aways like "May the path rise to meet you and the wind be at your back." She whispered, then the road seemed not longed like hills and valleys it seemed straight, easy and flat. Then the wind blew at her back push forward on to another place in time.
(If anything need explaing just say so.)
wind at back sorrow