Nov 01, 2009 20:39 have a rating system for clone action in the cstar wars clone wars seires.
2. you have made many OC clones and even brought dead ones back from the dead. know why Jango actuly agreed to clone himself, and you just narrowly(or broadly) agree.
4. you have a crush on a clone.
5. you have a crush on Boba.
6. you have a crush on one of your own OC clones.(Night is my OC. And I love him.)
7. you alway support jedi/clone pairs. Like real ones like Darman/Etain or Bly/Aslya.
8. want a non-canon pairing to become canon. BADLY. (Rex/ahsoka)
9. You have a crush on a Null ARC.(mine is Prudii{N-5})
10. ever created a room/picture/post/gallery decated just to them.
11. you swear revenge on who ever thought of rubbing Dental's death in our faces.(Thats right you better go find you self some body guards or esle Gemidi Fett will HUNT YOU DOWN.)
12. you wanted to kill Karen travis for killing of Etain and we all know Darman never makes it back to Mandalore to see his son.(GRRR.) keep wanting to read AU stories where Every clones lives(and Etains lives