first, a really loud squeee because the lovely and amazing
mimimanderly sent me her snape rune cards! i am so lucky! they are most beauteous and i love them to bits. i already felt so blessed by your friendship, mimi, and this only adds to that feeling. *hugs you tightly*
and in another unexpected gift, mother nature gave us hail! i can't remember the last time we had hail - not sure we've had any since i moved back here 11 years ago, so that was quite exciting. i heard the sound, as if someone were pelting my apartment with tiny pebbles, and got up and went outside to check, and yes, sure enough, it was hail. it lasted for maybe five minutes and was pea-sized. definitely the most exciting weather we've had in a long while.
after that, i nearly gave myself a heart attack over my laptop. i'd closed it up to sleep while i was afk for a bit. when i opened it, i sat there staring at the black screen thinking it had died and wondering what i was going to do, and started running disaster scenarios in my head. i shut it again, deciding to go into denial about the whole thing - very logical, right? came back a couple minutes later, opened it up, pushed the space bar, and it started right up. um. i seriously think i was distracted and forgot to push the space bar to wake it up. lol. i feel stupid, and yet incredibly happy at the same time. :D
i finished this week's
snupin_ldws and am reasonably pleased with it, which is a huge relief as it gave me a lot of trouble. i have come to understand that this ldws stuff is the worst possible thing for me to do - all that pressure on a weekly basis! serious props to those of you who've done it more than once. i am pretty sure i will never ever sign up for one of these things again. even if i were to win it (which is highly unlikely as the same person has won the last three weeks in a row and it sure as hell wasn't me) i would still never ever sign up again. at least at ppp, it was only once a month and i actually had time to think about the prompt and then plan and write a little story. here, it's all so rushed it just stresses me out - on a weekly basis. so not good. lesson learned.
*hugs* to those who want them.