the other day i watched this really interesting video
interview with a fellow by the name of
bruce lipton, who explained some stuff that makes it much easier for me to understand and explain some of the concepts related to how and why theta works. he actually was not talking about theta, but a lot of the information still relates.
he is a scientist and has written a couple of books - the biology of belief and spontaneous evolution. he explained the difference between newtonian physics and quantum physics: newtonian physics takes a mechanical view of things, whereas quantum physics considers the presence of an invisible field that affects particles. he quoted einstein as saying, the field is the sole governing agent of the particles. it's the field that gives shape to the body. so - he explained for instance, you put down a magnet, and then dump out the iron filings, and watch how they become stuck to the magnet. if you tried to explain the behavior of the particles without reference to the magnetic field, it makes no sense. so then he suggested that western medicine is still based on a largely newtonian model - they treat the body as a machine and try to fix the relevant broken down aspect of it, but it's as if it's trying to explain the behavior of those iron filings without looking at the magnetic field that is actually causing the condition of the body.
and he proceeds to say that it doesn't really matter how you explain that field or what you call it. so in quantum mechanics it's the field, but from a spiritual perspective, you could call it god (or source or whatever).
he also discussed the placebo effect, which i have mentally ranted about once or twice. some people might say that any improvements after a theta session are due to the placebo effect - and i would not argue against that. because really, what is the placebo effect but the acknowledgment that our minds, i.e., our thoughts, actually play a role in our healing. if theta supports that effect, then i see that as a good thing.
he also talked about the nocebo effect - have you heard of it? i hadn't. it is the opposite of the placebo effect, i.e., negative thoughts can have just as powerful a negative effect on health and healing. and most of us are engaged in a pretty constant negative dialogue with ourselves.
the problem with the power of positive thinking is that - our subconscious mind is more powerful than our conscious mind and is running our life most of the time (he says 95%) and our conscious mind is only in control for a short period. so it's our subconscious programming that quite often runs our life. so the key to really making lasting changes is to change the programs that are running our lives on the subconscious level. and then, near the end, he says the thing that was a huge aha for me. many/most of the programs we run in our subconscious were installed when we were very young, and he says that before the age of six, kids are mostly not in the alpha brain waves that we usually are. they are mostly in a theta brain wave state, and that the programs slip in easily when you are in a theta brain wave state. aha! because one of the things that happens in theta is that the client kind of syncs up into a theta state, too - thus making it possible to install the new program. who knew.
if you are interested in this stuff, i think the 35 minute interview is well worth a listen.