Feb 24, 2010 00:47

Sorry that I havent updated in FOREVER.

Break happened. school started. I'm stressed and procrastinating far too much (hence the stress). Its really stupid and basically my own damn fault. I can't stand one of my classes (Economies of the Middle East-I'm currently working on a p-set for it now which SUCKS and I dont know what to say and I never really know whats going on in class and I don't really get the professor and everyone in the class either knows a helluva lot more than me about general history stuffs/is pretentious/smokes cigarettes before class and SMELLS LIKE IT.)
the rest are ok. Like i said, just trying not to fail.

GAH and I need to figure out what to do during the summer. I really want to stay here over the summer, but seeing as how I was working on cover letters this time last year (well more like feb 15th) and i've done NOTHING now, it looks like I might be in trouble. GAH and other opportunities are going to pass me by if i dont get on them NOW. and if i dont do my work in a decent and productive manner and GET SOME SLEEP (oh yeah, that) then I definitely won't get anything done.

rantrantrant. and no, I haven't really been watching the olympics (I know i'm a loser, its ok). In any case, yay vancouver!

so yeah. way to rant. now I think i'm off to take a shower at 12:43 am, try to get SOME sleep, then get up, edit this shitty problem set/"question" set/whatever it is, go to an econ faculty student luncheon, resist the urge to whine about all my *pathetic, easily solve-able* problems to the bf (LOLZ), then worry more about the pset, hand it in, have class, then work on another pset/go to a GIM for this club I'm in.

because I'm sure the 0-1 people reading this care XD

ANYHOOZLES. sorry for bothering you with my randomness. I'll ttyl (hopefully with a shorter posting gap next time)
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