Well, it can detect marijuana pretty easily, due to the fact that it stays in the tissues (namely fat) for 5 weeks or longer, depending on metabolism. Drugs like cocaine and opiates don't stick around the body for that long, but these tests can detect opiate drugs and a lot more. I used to take narcotics for chronic pain, and I have also smoked in the last month for some chronic pain I had been having before my surgery. That's the thing that kills me here...I'm no drug addict (I don't even drink!), yet these tests would say that, essentially. I'm not going to subject myself to that.
Yeah...that is so unfortunate. Basically the tests give answers without context. So they basically say you're a stoner or you're not, which isn't true. I've had times when I've definitely thought about using marijuana for my nausea, as it was recommended by some friends that work in the medical field. I've never used it because I've always been panicked that someone would find out (namely an employer) and think I'm a huge stoner. Makes me sad to think that I'd rather deal with the incredible nausea and inability to eat instead of the potentially wrong assumption about me.
Again..I'm sorry this happened. I know you really were looking forward to this job.
Okay, no problem! Let's figure out a day that works. Send me an email (I switched my email so use the one that's in my profile now) and let me know what your schedule is like. I'll probably be more open on Mondays, Tuesdays, or Fridays. Preferably Tuesdays if possible....unless we can do it in the evening! Then I'm more available :)
Oh, also: they wanted to know what other medications I am taking, which I felt was personal. They also wanted to do a full physical, as well as the urine sample which was for drugs and presence of other substances. Nope, sorry.
Again..I'm sorry this happened. I know you really were looking forward to this job.
Oh, and I still want to use you as a patient before May 15th if possible!
Meh. Just email me!
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