Kitties on the way

Apr 26, 2008 14:14

Turns out Ash Kitty is preggers. I'm thinking she's about a month to a month and ahalf along. So Mike and I are working on enclosing the porch completly, cleaning it and the such so that when she does have them we're able to socialize them to make them better pets when we adopt them out. I have no idea at this time how many to expect... taking her to the vet this week or the next. I'm so excited! This will however be the only litter she has since I plan on having her spayed after it's safe to.

I'd bring her inside but unfortunatly she harbours ill will towards the two indoor kitties and puppies. Back porch is the safest and will keep her relativly happy. I have some dead thin trees in the back yard that I'll cut down some and put on the porch for the kitties to climb around. i'll take pictures when it's done and post them somewhere and leave the link here.

On the baby animal subject, We will be breeder our Schnauzers when they reach an age where Arianna is done growing, so maybe in the next year. I still have to have genetic tests done to make sure I won't be breeding a family disease or something into the future generation. So much to do but thankfully the dogs are so far from being ready it's not a constant thought. Arianna is a salt and pepper Schnauzer that is 9 months old and Viggo is all white and 4 months old. He's mama's boy. Very respectful of our girl kitty... poor lil wolfy though, plays dead when viggo tries to play with him. my big lump of grey kitty fur wolfy is.
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