I HAVE to keep this noted!!!
I got a phone call today from Heather at my agency "telling me off". First she was telling me how good a job I'm doing where I am working now as I'm "doing what I'm paid to be doing and not messing about on the net" then the conversation went a bit like this:
H: Right. I've had a serious complaint from Winckworth Sherwood
[where I temped for one day this week]
Me: Oh????
H: Do you remember using another secretary's log in and having a good sniff around in her deleted items and then forwarding them to your friend, Wendy at Addleshaws I believe (!) and having a good laugh back and forth about it????
[Wendy was highlighting are re-copying certain lines and saying she was literally crying at her desk - she was going on about what a cheapskate this man is too and what an idiot this woman is - and laughing about preachers and all sorts of other stuff - at one point Wendy wrote "I particular love this bit -"they can kiss ma neck""]
Me: errrr
H: Do you remember??
Me: Yes
H: Good I'm glad you aren't trying to deny it because I have all the e-mails in question in front of me
Then I got a big lecture about what a high calibre sec I am and how I can easily earn over £30k but "you can sometimes act so dim!!!!". She mentioned the "acting dim" a couple of times, then spoke about "professionalism" and "the importance of confidentiality" and was told to stop messing about with e-mails, internets, mobile phones etc etc. She said "when we hear about this kind of stuff about our temps we come down very hard on them". She sounded half amused though?????
Well - this was about 5pm and I was DYING to get in touch with Wendy but the IT is so strict where I am now it was impossible. I kept laughing to myself at my desk. I RUSHED home at 5:30, even though I'm full of flu. I kept laughing to myself again on the train and stuff. Well - as soon as I got in the door and was about to pick up the phone Wendy beat me to it!!!!!!! I told her my stuff first and then she told me this sec had e-mailed HER!!!!!! I don't know how I got found out, I was so careful about deleting and stuff before I left but ........... we were in hysterics about it for around an hour on the phone!!!!! Wendy had forwarded the e-mail on to about 10 more people in her office who were all having a good laugh about it today. The e-mail from this sec to Wendy is attached. Wendy hasn't replied!!!!!!!!!!!
[from Wendy to me] OH MY GOD! I thought this was a joke at first but..... oops!
-----Original Message-----
From: Z.............. [this woman whose e-mails I forwarded]
Sent: 02 February 2006 13:48
To: M............, Wendy (!!!)
Subject: Hello
I believe Sarah was my temp relief as I was not in on Tuesday and to my
shock, I see that she has forwarded my personal emails on to you for a
laugh. Just to let you know that I have reported this matter (which I
beieve to be a criminal offence) and as I cannot get in contact with
her, I
know you wont mind telling her.
Many thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: [me but using this woman's e-mail, where i was put]
Sent: 31 January 2006 13:06
To: 'wendy.
Subject: Time Sheet
email proposals in the workplace
-----Original Message-----
From: z................
Sent: 30 January 2006 15:12
To: 'Gary
Subject: RE: Hey
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sent: 30 January 2006 15:11
To: z.....................................
Subject: RE: Hey
When I got married we paid for the licence and for the reception
(dinner for
8!!) Anway the whole thing cost around 250-300. Today after paying for
divorce etc I went to get the decree absolute and they charged me £40.
Al in
all the divorce cost me......£250-300!!!!
Anyway as the clerk stamped my reciept she said "your divorce starts
today. You absolute will take 5 days to come bgut offically you are
today!!!!" So....................................................Will
-----Original Message-----
From: zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: 30 January 2006 12:36
To: 'Gary
Subject: RE: Hey
also you got to remember to tell them that you are a registered
charity, you
get more of a discount.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Sent: 30 January 2006 12:35
To: zxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Hey
Just spoken to the councils hackney and waltham forest. Waltham are to
me back, but they mainly hire out Marsh lane or a park on Leyton Raod.
Hacknye are to send the info via email. They said that the cost is
Will let u know when they send the stuff
-----Original Message-----
From: zvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Sent: 30 January 2006 12:07
To: 'Gary ..........................
Subject: RE: Hey
hello honey
I love you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Sent: 30 January 2006 10:52
To: 'Z............
Subject: RE: Hey
no need to reply, I know ur busy But i love you so much baby
-----Original Message-----
From: /////////////////////
Sent: 30 January 2006 09:54
To: 'Gary //////////////////////
Subject: RE: Hey
Morning baby,
I am good and rested. Gonna be a busy one as Liz is not in and her fee
earners are already fighting over me.
Love you.
-----Original Message-----
From: Gary /////////
Sent: 30 January 2006 09:52
To: //////////.co.uk'
Subject: Hey
How's it???????? Me not as tired as I woke up. Was
smaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaashed! Hope ur good. I hear I was
last night??? I forgot the girls was there and that I had to get up for
so relaxed for the first time!!! Anywhooooo hope u have a great day
Will see you later. Love u
GARY 8888888888
Email: ..................