Jun 06, 2005 17:26
im at robins and i really really hope that sean is okay, im gonna go see him maby, rochelle we should should should. im happy in life. i dyed my hair and its short, people say its hot im not so sure though. but brynn likes it thats a plus. me and quecei(spelling?!?!!? sorry) are getting to know each other and im really happy with that. and i know wiley's real name now, but i'd rather call him wiley. i love liza! we really need to do that cop camp together! everyone should. yay dogs sniffing drugs! hahahah funnieeee! well i love you all so you should post. 7 days till i leave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yessssssssssss aaron, here i come!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! cousin, haha remember the like shaking hands thing hahaha cousin,.......