Il Promenade App

Sep 20, 2009 16:23


✧ NAME: Kia
✧ LJ USERNAME: starswing
✧ CONTACT (EMAIL, AIM, MSN, PLURK, ETC.): offered wing @ AIM


✧ NAME: Naomi Umegae
✧ SERIES: Zettai Karen Children
✧ HISTORY: General series, though Naomi's character info is half-based on the anime, and thus isn't relevant to this application.

There is a scale when it comes to people with psychic powers, beginning at 1 and ending at 7. At 1, it's things like sensing stationary people, particularly psychic ones. Once you get to level 4 and higher, there are less than 3% of people at this level, and it's stuff like being able to break vases. Level 6 espers can destroy houses, cause landslides or fissures, and a bunch of other things, and Level 7s can-- well, to put it frankly, they're capable of a whole lot of immeasurable destruction. MOVING ON.

Once upon a time, there was a twelve-year-old girl who had manifested incredible psychokinetic abilities. She was taken in by the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory (B.A.B.E.L. for short), a government organization that trained espers to help better society and to protect other espers from discrimination and persecution from people who fear and misunderstand them (the "Normals", they're called). Naomi was personally selected by her future supervisor, a man by the name of Tanizaki. Under his tutelage, Naomi grew from Level 4 or 5 to Level 6. However, her supervisor was constantly forcing his concept of an ideal woman on her, so that he'd be able to wed her when she was old enough and he'd established himself as the most important person in her life. Naomi, despite being perturbed by his behavior, subconsciously suppressed her feelings on the matter and continued to work hard for the sake of the man and agency that had taken her in. It was around that time that her true power showed itself (ironically because Tanizaki touching her made her unintentionally irritated), and she received the code name "Kitty Cat".

When she was sixteen, Naomi's powers began to act up. She couldn't quite control them, and it was making it hard to do her job. Enter "The Children", a lovable trio of ten-year-old Level 7 girls, who were asked to assist with Naomi's little problem. As a result of some acting and being cornered, it was revealed that she actually really hated her supervisor's perverted behavior towards her-- she'd just been forcing those emotions down because she couldn't bring herself to go against the man who'd spent four years looking after her, and her powers had responded to her conflicted feelings. She'd repressed it so much that she wasn't even aware of it, as she stated that she wanted to get her powers back under her control so she could "live up to her supervisor's expectations".

With all of this made clear to her, she showed her supervisor a thing or two with her powers fully restored, and her code name was subsequently changed to "Wild Cat", which was one hell of an indication in regards to her personality. Ever since then, she's been continuing to perform admirably on her missions, as well as thwart her supervisor when he tries to make a move on her. She's usually there to offer the younger espers a helping hand-- particularly two young siblings of a new team under Tanizaki's jurisdiction, "The Little Mice". ... Though mainly it's just been keeping an eye on them and being told she's to be a "stepping stone" for their success.

✧ TIMELINE: After the two-year timeskip, some point after the restoration work on Hacchou Island
✧ PERSONALITY: Naomi is, without a doubt, one of the kindest, sweetest, most hard-working and intelligent and honest and graceful and responsible girls out there.

She's also one of the most absolute scariest girls out there when she loses her temper.

"An attack is the best form of defense. ♥"

Naomi was raised by the ideals of her supervisor, meaning she's been tidy and elegant and determined to please from an early age. The truth is that the real Naomi was an honest and diligent girl, which made her miserable, because the only way to help B.A.B.E.L. was to follow her supervisor's orders, and in order to do that honestly, she had to repress how she really felt, even from herself. But she came to terms with it, so currently, she's a sweet girl who is all for helping others, but isn't above tossing her supervisor into the ocean or smashing him into the wall when he starts getting too creepy. She hates sexual harassment to the point where she almost becomes a completely different person; she turns violent, starts slinging around curses and death threats, and the last thing you ever want to do is piss off a powerful psychokinetic. As she cheerily informs another esper when he hits on her, "If you touch me, I can't guarantee your safety. ♥"

One major thing about Naomi is her dedication. Once she devotes herself to a cause, she absolutely WILL NOT STOP until it's been taken care of. You see this with her commitment to getting a bunch of thugs to mend their ways, the way she forces herself to keep going even after being electrocuted and unwilling to rest until she knows that the mission was a success, and the way she and a fellow esper throw themselves into helping after a severe typhoon and earthquake, pausing only for a quick break and taking the day off from school in order to help as much as they can. She takes her duties as an esper very seriously, though she tries not to miss school if she can help it.

Of course, she's got her flaws. Once she snaps and loses her temper, she can and WILL hurt you, so hope you like pain. She can't stand bullying, and will immediately rush in if she senses that injustice is being done-- and she doesn't always think about her actions until she's forced to face the consequences, while everyone else is wailing, "WHYYYYYY?!" She once confronts an entire gang of biker thugs when she hears that they're taking money from a middle-schooler, asking them to please not do that anymore (after she puts the fear of god Naomi into them with some stress-provoked psychokinesis). She doesn't like getting others involved if she can help it, choosing to fix things on her own without asking for anyone else's aid... possibly because she knows her supervisor will react unfavorably. She just assumes bad people will take responsibility-- and, if they don't, she'll make them. Toss in the fact that she is incredibly trusting, and it's pretty easy to take advantage of her. Although she accuses the gang of stealing, she is horrified when they insist they're innocent and bursts into tears for making such cruel assumptions-- even when it turns out one of the members is guilty of taking money.

Oh, and she is being constantly defeated by curry udon in the sense that she can't eat it without getting some on herself, which makes her self-esteem plummet and sends her to her knees in grief. Really, it's kind of sad.

Other than the above, she's a good kid and a competent soldier for B.A.B.E.L., with a willingness to trust that is both her strength and her weakness. No matter what, Naomi will always give someone the benefit of the doubt for, as she yells at her supervisor, "It's wrong to trust!? Are you saying it's wrong to trust people!?" This will most likely lead her into all sorts of trouble in the future, but it's the one thing she's grateful to Tanizaki for teaching her, and it's one thing she'll never give up.

✧ ABILITIES/POWERS: Firstly, psychokinetics can move objects with their minds. In Naomi's case, this includes not only objects, but herself and others. She can hold people in place, levitate them and fly at high speeds, staunch bleeding wounds, stop things in their tracks, use psychokinesis as a barrier, fire off destructive bursts of energy, and more, but what she can do depends on the situation and she doesn't abuse her powers (except when you anger her). She can try to stop a plane with the help of another psychokinetic, but it takes a lot of effort to use the exact amount of power to keep from destroying it, and the weight and momentum makes it worse; super heavy and/or fast things make it more difficult for her to handle. She can also remove bullets (and presumably other debris) from wounds, provided there's someone on hand to provide her with the exact location of whatever she's retrieving.


✧ MASK DESIGN: This, only the gold section is black, and the blue is more along the lines of blue-green.
✧ PLACE OF SOLACE: BABEL'S HQ, though I realize that is kind of absurdly big (even with no people in it), so if it's TOO big, I can just say the female esper dorms.


✧ FIRST PERSON: "A chance for equality"... is it?

[ Naomi's sitting on her bed, turning her mask over and over in her hands and staring down at it as if that will finally provide her some answers. ]

If Shiho-chan was here, I wonder if she'd be able to pick up something from this. Or if it's really just meant as a sign of respect, and nothing more. The design, though...

[ she glances up after a long moment, offering a smile. ]

It looks like everyone's going to have to go along with this for now. The idea of everyone being equal is a nice idea [ and her expression takes on a tinge of bittersweet reminiscence; someone's come across discrimination before ] but I never thought it'd be implemented with masks and not being able to speak at night. And-- um, if anyone's interested in learning more about this world, I'd be happy to help as much as I can in investigating. I don't know the King or Queen, but I think it's rude that people should be forced to--

[ Naomi stops suddenly, a stricken look passing over her face. And then she drops the device and the mask, pressing her hands to her cheeks AS SHE TEARS UP. ]

I'm doing it again! I'm so cruelly making baseless assumptions without even bothering to meet their Majesties, all because I'm trapped here! What kind of person am I!? I'm horrible!!! I'm s-so sorry!!


Her alarm didn't go off; that was the first sign. Habit won out over logic, as Naomi's hand emerged from the blankets, questing and fumbling in the air and ultimately failing to discover her clock. She came a little more awake upon that realization, and disoriented consciousness became that much sharper when Realization Number Two kicked in with all the force she used to typically used to slam her lecherous supervisor into the wall. Without as much property damage, of course.

She wasn't anywhere familiar. The sheets weren't hers, the room wasn't hers, and when she moved over to the window and strained to peer through the stained glass, the road outside wasn't recognizable.

Espers being kidnapped wasn't unheard of, though it was certainly a first in Naomi's case. This particular "prison" didn't seem much like one at all, and she frowned as she turned in a slow circle.

It was then that she saw the mirror.

... Or, more specifically, it was then that she saw Ichirou Tanizaki's nightmare-inducing face looming horrifyingly close enough for her to see every last nose hair.

It was a conditioned reflex. Naomi shrieked in disgust - the words "DIRTY PERVERTED OLD MAN" escaping in some form through a tightened throat - and flung out a wave of psychokinetic energy that shattered the mirror. She subconsciously shielded herself so that the shards bounced harmlessly away from her, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief (both for her powers still being usable, which ruled out an ECM, and not having to stare at her supervisor's face) when the mirror started to repair itself.

"Wh--" She stared in disbelief at the perfectly pristine glass that had been broken only seconds earlier. Was this the work of another esper, then? Had she been caught up in some sort of Hypno?

Was she doomed to see Tanizaki's face for the rest of her waking mornings!?

The Wild Cat needed answers and she needed answers now.

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