Dec 18, 2004 16:03
So...for the past two nights I have been staying out late and being the young one in the group. I like being the young one it is extremely fun. I have met new, but most importantly cool people, in the past two nights. On Thursday I met Darcie(sorry if it is spelled wrong) and Nikki, we watched Rocky Horror along with many other people. I love these two girls, we mesh perfectly. Then on Friday night I met Lacie, she is very animated so of course I fit right in with her. All three of these new people are my new heroines. I have also gotten to know people a lot better as well, I have hung out with James and Colby for the past two nights as well. I didn't really consider them friends before this because I really didn't get a chance to know them but now I consider them friends and people I can go to if I have a problem. So, in conclusion I have loved drips for the past two nights(I know I'm saying that a lot). It has been interesting and fun, thank you to all of the people who have made my life a little easier.