Apr 04, 2006 19:32
Ok everyone. I've been doing a lot of hard thinking and I need some opinions/advice. I'll be moving to TC in just a couple months. My cat, Chloe, has pretty much grown up with and around my parents. She's familiar with them, their habits and their house. If I move her by me she might not adjust too well, if at all. I really want to do what's best for her... afterall, that was the whole point behind the adoption. So my options are to A) take her with me and see how she adapts, if she doesnt then take her back to my parents B) take her with and no matter how she adapts just ride it out or C) give her to my parents. With option A, the nice thing would be if she did adapt but then if she didnt it would hurt to give her back even though that would be what was best for her. With option B, it wouldnt be right for her to be forced to live w/me if she didnt want to. With option C it would be hard but I would adapt and after I moved in probably adopt a new cat. I really dont know what to do. I dont want to give her up but at the same time I dont want her to give up the only home/family she's ever known. Any suggestions???