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Jan 13, 2006 18:32

Well I'm finally getting around to updating. Although I'm pretty tired so if any of my sentences end suddenly... no worries i just fell asleep.

Ok let's see. Break was good. Too short though. I stayed in Wausau and worked the morning of Xmas eve. I even wore my santa hat which made a few patients smile. Then my cousins came over later that night and it was good to catch up and see them all again. Afterall we basically grew up with them. The only bad thing is they were over till midnight and then since my brother and sister in law were leaving in the morning we had to open gifts after they left. It was a real long day. The rest of my break went by all too fast. I did get to see Kirsten though! We met for lunch at Applebee's in Appleton and got to catch up. It was really good to see her again. I miss hanging out with them all at the Squirrel's nest. The last couple days of break I began to study again. It was a good thing I did cuz when I got back I found out I had failed an exam and had to retake it. So I crammed for the exam, took the retake a couple days later and then had a big exam on Ag's and Ab's which was a lot of information to keep straight. But I managed to do well on the retake and the blood bank exam. However, the acid base exam I just took has left me bitter. Grr it totally sucked.

Last weekend I went home even though my parents went to Appleton. It was just Chloe and me. I just wanted to sleep and study. Friday night I was out by like 2230. I was so so tired. Then I got a phone call at 0030 from my cousin, Jake. He was very confused and very frantic. All he knew was his dad was being taken by ambulance to the hospital but he didnt know anything more. So needless to say I didnt get much sleep that night. Turns out my uncle had 3 blockages. 1 was 95-98% blocked and was such a long blokage it required 2 shunts, 1 was about 60% blocked (only 1 shunt though) and the 3rd was too small for a shunt to be put in so they left it. But he's doing good now though. I'm glad. We basically grew up with the Morey's and so we're closer with them then any other part of our family. The rest of the weekend I watched tv, played with Chloe and did some studying. It was nice. Sat though was crazy cuz I seemed to be like HQ and messages about how my uncle was doing would come to me and various people would call me to find out what the latest was. Sunday I got to talk to Kristen. I miss her.

This week was okay. I was sick. I hadnt been feeling great lately and I came down with a heck of a cold and then Tuesday night I was sick sick. Which totally made Wednesday ruff cuz I had to get up early and draw. Luckily I think my cold is on it's downside. I have to work tomorrow though which I know will go by fast but I'm pretty tired so I could really use sleeping in. I was in blood bank this week. I really enjoy blood bank. And I got to pool a 10 pack of platelets today! :) Next week I'm in urines. So far everyone says it's not bad. But I'm not a believer yet. Plus I have a urines exam next week which should be tuff.

Right now for some reason I'm feeling stressed lately. Like there's too much that I have to do and not enoght time to get it done in. I dont' get it really. So far I've been doing pretty good this year with not letting it all get to me and jsut taking it one day and one week at a time. Time also seems to be draggin lately. The only thing I can think of is there's a few big tests coming up (including a shit-ton of coag... yes a shit-ton). I jsut feel so swamped. But I'm really tryin not to let it get to me too bad. I figure I've freaked out enough over the years. I think part of it is that I really dont have many friends here. I mean I am friends with my classmates and people at work but at the end of the day we all go home and that's it. But that's enough out of me on that. God knows there's others who are even more stressed (and hugs to you!)

So I think my other first choice of hospitals for next year is my 2nd now. I have been looking into Rapid City Regional Hospital in Rapid City, South Dakota. http://www.rcrh.org/ if your interested. The only bad thing is that they only have 2 part time shifts open (no full time) and the positions are "varied" shifts. But a lady I work with used to work there in the 70's and she says it's great there and I'd love it and love the area. So she recommended I call HR and ask questions and see if there's a list of people interested in full time posisitons. I'm hoping to call and them say well we can combo the 2 part time shifts into a full time and that the varied isnt you work short stints on each shift. We'll see though. Right now it's still too early to get my hopes up.

Well I think that's about it for now. I dont know if I've forgotten anything although it's totally possible. But it's time for me to get a few things done before 'Cowboy U' comes on. And since I have to get up tomorrow at 0230 I'm definitly going to bed early. And most likely a nap tomorrow after work.
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