It seems in this day an age that no one has balls anymore. No one has the ability to stand up (wo)man to (wo)man, and speak their minds. Rather they use the Internet to speak outwardly, airing their grievances to the entire Internet community, rather then settling things face to face. It bothers me in all truth, that arguing, and settling problems with one another has boiled down to the instance of typing in caps in an E-mail or in an instant message. If you have a problem with someone you should voice your opinion, not just sit they're and type things you would never actually say.
Now on the other hand I am a firm believer in civility in the work place. If you have a problem with someone it's very simple, you air that problem, and move on from it. This does not mean you are best friends with the person who you have an issue with, nor that you should be. It's a matter of professionalism, you may not always like the person you work for, work with, or potentially just work in the same building with, yet they deserve a remote amount of respect. This does not make you "two faced," it makes you an honest, and understood human. If you don't Speak, and I say speak, the way you feel then you have every potential of someone walking all over you, and it won't just happen once it will happen continuously.
So I say, have some balls!