Traci spent the night last night. We hung out that night, I had fun but
I dont think she did =( Hopefully next weekend we can hang out again,
cept stay out later.
I awoke 2 a wonderfull text msg too.
Traci was in the guest room and wanted me 2 get my lazy ass up out of
bed. We went out for breakfast and here am I now..bored blah. Im
wondering if Im gonna call peeps and try 2 hang out or just sit at home
all day lol. I'm still tired from last night.
Oh yeah, Im planning my 17th birthday party for Sept 2nd, its a friday.
If I havnt called you about details..its probably because your not
invited...or I havnt gotten 2 u yet. Sooo make sure your not working
that day.
2morrow Im going 2 Eddies, Tuesday I work, and Wesnday Im leaving
2 my moms..and HOPEFULLY on Saturday Traci and I will hang out. TRACI U
..Krissi and Jackie send me an IM or call me.
Hey pay-nis face, leave a comment <333 xoxox =)