May 10, 2005 09:03
When a decision is made, is it made in stone?
When someone makes a decision.. Is it right for you to even want to change it?
I want to change a decision made. I really do. Not by me, but by someone else. I want to change it for various reasons, the biggest one being that im selffish.
Does this make me a horrible person? Greed is one of the deadly sins..
I want to try and show different aspects of the deicision made, before its set in stone. I also want to try and understand. But its hard. Because so many people are quick to point and say to me:
"You wouldn't understand." "Why would you care?" "You're uneducated" "You're Catholic" "You're ignorant."..
How do I speak when those words are going through the back of my head?
I just need to talk to them. Hopefully all will go well.