I'm finally updating! Yay!

Sep 25, 2005 20:14

Sorry I've had NO time to update! I'm sure you've all been wondering what I'm up to. Well...let's see...we left off at...the ceilih or however it is you spell THAT crazy scotish word. Hm...what did I do the next day? Went to the academic talks! Went to modern history, IR, and arabic. The arabic prof. reminds me of senor castellanos only arabic!!!! They have the same little mustache, the same glasses, the same body type and the same energetic personality!! I'm SO EXCITED FOR ARABIC!!! Oh, movie night I think! We had a movie night with sarah, lisa, harriet, jo (the girl), roseana, david, louisa and katherine. Good fun that was. I brought goodies and they all brought goodies and we had a regular junk fest on katherine's bed! It was great. I hadn't laughed that hard in...a long long time! Lisa, sarah, louisa and I were ROLLING in tears about giving ben (an american friend) cookies made of metamusil. See, the story is, they have these cookies here called digestives and ben was like oh, they're like metamusil, only they taste better. And we were like uh...no ben, they're not. So we thought it would be HILARIOUS to make him cookies made out of that stuff and be like here ben...try some REAL digestives....mawhahahaha. We're so evil. I made a new friend the next morning called James. He's Louisa's neighbor. He's american too, from CT. He's funny. Very nice and friendly. And I made friends w/ a fouth year abroad student named jeff from arkansas. He's quite sweet as well. Friday...let's see...friday. What did I do?! OH YEAH! I went to a presentation by the student support services about referencing sources in the UK (VERY DIFFERENT!) They don't do MLA here, they cite like...EVERYTHING, I'm so terrified I'll get kicked out for academic dishonesty!!!! But it'll be ok I hope because they have people here to help us if we have ANY questions. The thing is to just CITE EVERYTHING!!!! Then Lisa and I went to the Fresher's play that was on called "I love you and other lies" and it was put on by a semi improve group and it was THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!! It was like...this thing, and they were telling guys how to get laid, and how to go steady and how to dump a girl and it was HILARIOUS!!! One of the pick up lines was "hello, you are at or below my dating category" I CAN'T EVEN DISCRIBE THE GENIUS TO YOU!!! It was amazing. Then I went to another talk and met up with harriet and katherine and we...I don't remember. We did something that night though...Saturday: Woke up, went shopping w/ mum, explored town w/ mum, met harriet, katherine, lisa, ben, jeff and joe at the sports fair. Signed up for vb. The american girl working there told me it was really different from american vb so I'd just have to give it a try and see what I thought. Then we had a tea party with cake in harriets room! It was so much fun! My first official english tea party!!! Then harriet, joe, katherine, and I met later to play that game I have with the cards that you tie on your foreheads and just regular card games and we stayed up until midnight laughing and talking and it was really really wonderful and I feel like I got to know them a lot better, which really makes me happy! Because they're great people. And today I went to catholic mass w/ my mommy and then went w/ harriet and jo to do this crazy tradition where we walk down the pier and then back but on this REALLY narrow walk way that was like...40 feet above a sheer cliff down to the ocean. Crazy, I know, but I did it! And I took pictures which I can send you all. Then we went to the society fair and I signed up for poker, acting, dancing (salsa and belly dancing) and many others...but I won't do them all, I just wrote down my school email (ks343@st-andrews.ac.uk) so I could check them out later. Then shopping w/ mom and then dinner and now dancing!!! Talk to you all soon!
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