Sep 25, 2006 18:53
Disclaimer: If anything catastrophic happens over at the College of Ed... it wasn't me! Ok, that said... on with the ranting...
Went to a student teaching meeting today... basically got some paperwork and they went over a bunch of stuff that means nothing for B-K people. Then at the end they call out a list of names for people that need to stay to talk to one of the people about something... and sure enough... my name is on the list. So i get up there and she tells me that I haven't taken two classes that I need. FND 3800 and CI 3850... both of which I have taken and passed with flying colors. Bastards. Is it really that hard to keep up with what classes people have taken... after all they are listed right there on my transcript. So tomorrow I'm supposed to go in and talk with her... I will be bring a copy of my transcript with the classes circled. Hopefully that will clear things up nicely. Still... I really do not have the patience for this!