Aug 09, 2007 15:33
Grr I can never get this to update when I want to. I just lost a long post, so now a quick post.
Wolfie had a sucessful surgery today! He is hopefully coming home on Monday. YAY I am glad that he did well.
Mom goes in for surgery on Friday, so hopefully everything will go good for her.
School starts soon, I am starting to get ready but not quite.
I hate the humidity... omg the dehumidifier has been running all summer and I would have to empty it once a day, maybe less. This week I have dumped it twice everyday. This is not fun.
The neighbors had trees removed and one of the branches fell and squished my fence a little. They did manage to straighten it so you barely notice that it was squished but still it was brand new fence, all straight and pretty.... so frustrating. I am just glad it was not worse.