Jul 07, 2007 22:59

I hate to duck and run on this place just when the curses started getting interesting again, and obviously there's all that fantastically dramatic talk of a war heard it all before -- but needs must. It's a pity I couldn't have held out for a couple more months and got some kind of badge of honour for being here a full year. There's something... I have to do something back home. It's dangerous for me to go, but as the only living human from my world currently in the City, I'm the only one that can do it.

It won't take long. I'll have three months maximum when I get there, but it should only take a couple of weeks. Simple delivery job. In, out, and back here in time for the apocalypse. Provided I don't get killed, it should all be just peachy. And even if that eventuality does occur, I'll probably end up getting shoved back here anyway. No need to worry.

I'm sorry I couldn't tell anyone. But I figured if you found out the circumstances especially if you knew what condition my body was in back home you'd probably try and stop me from going as Faye made abundantly clear the other night. It's better for all parties this way. And I'll be back before you know it.

...Thank you. For everything. And again, I'm sorry. I didn't want to leave this place, or to leave it like this, but... everyone has to go back home some time, right?


I know you're all terribly distraught about my leaving, but try to keep the hysterical wailing down or we'll get complaints from the neighbours. Keep Ptolemy out of trouble, Bartimaeus try not to set anything on fire, and Nat, I... you know.

I'll say hello to Jakob and Rebecca for you. And I'll come back. I promise.

((ooc: It's called "putting on a brave front to mask how terrified one is". >.> She's about to head off back home to deliver Ptolemy's notes and start a process towards world peace - nothing huge. Using a key she got from the deities ages ago to get there. Of course it's all very fraught with danger, but she'll be back in the City in about a week relatively safe and sound when I return from hiatus. She'll respond to any comments for a little while as she's not leaving quite yet. :D))

friends, the other place, tbt, home, ptolemy

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