Oh bile

Dec 29, 2007 09:33

I love vitriol, especially when other people write it. I am incapable of making it seem more than a hysterical freak-out, so here are some example I"ve particularly enjoyed this week.

"Then the next day I realize that the TiVo was doing all of this while it was supposed to be recording something I specifically told it to record. Like an infuriating Frontline episode detailing what Dick Cheney did to democracy with the help of one of those oily cretins that orbit him like satellites made out of law degrees. Law degrees from a law school with "Bible" in the name where they teach you that cutting molars out of Muslims is not only constitutional, but actually honors Christ." Taken from an amusing article at Something Awful.

Then I was enjoying Charlie Brooker's festive quiz on the Guardian website - it had such gems as (answers at the bottom):

1 Glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults.

2 The opposite of music, of laughter, of sunshine, of ideas, of absolutely everything that makes life worth living.

5 A blustering rightwing buffoon... Every time he opens his mouth, a herd of stupid horses gallops out... Offensive, clumsy, childish, frequently lost for words and hopelessly prone to scandal... But he's a big floppy schoolboy fringe, so everybody loves him.

9 His face smells - or, at any rate, I think it does. I can smell it in my brain - even when it's just a photo. It smells like someone breaking wind in a pair of cheap nylon trousers while eating a Scotch egg in a hot car passing the Tilsworth Golf & Conference Centre on the A5 outside Dunstable. But worse.

10 An eternally irritating force for wrong that appeals exclusively to bigots, toffs, money-minded machine men, faded entertainers and selfish, grasping simpletons who were born with some essential part of their soul missing.

11 They waddle around with their haircuts on, cluttering the pavement like gormless, farting skittles. They're awful.

And to finish, here's a Bats For Lashes video. I ordered the album and am expecting a speedy delivery somtime today (you can be pretty sure of such things in Japan) - probably when I'm half-naked and covered in henna, in ohh, about 1 hours time.

image Click to view

1) Apple Macs 2) Money 5) Boris Johnson 9) "Daily Mail" and "Sun" columnist Richard Littlejohn 10) The Conservative Party 11) People.

a herd of stupid horses, gormless farting skittle, bats for lashes, thyroid cases

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