Title: Playing Games (2/2)
Disclaimer: JKR owns anything that is obviously hers. I own the rest.
Characters: Albus Potter, Lily Potter, Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy
Genres: Hogwarts Years, Humour, Romance, Smutless Smut
Warnings: Explicit Sexual Situations, Mild Kinks, Sexual Themes, Unrelieved Sexual Tension
Overall Rating: R
Summary: Rose
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Squeeee!! I have been stalking your LJ today in hopes of new Kittyfic, and HFS, here is this and more Bracelet. Thank you thank you thank you *kisses hem*.
Ahem. So. This rocked. Hot, sweet, funny, and deft. Excellent set-up for a one-shot, but clearly this can go places when you want it to. Angsty, smutty, feisty little places, yep. You definitely do smut with soul (or in this case smutless smut with soul), and as usual, you've made characters with depth who are both flawed and adorable. I am in awe of the way you play Rose and Scorpius's inner experiences against their self-presentation, for maximum conflict, confusion, and arousal. (And I know from reading Bracelet that you can do that with even more characters at a time, while making sure the various interactions both develop character and move the story forward. Which is really difficult and impressive and also makes me really trust you as a storyteller.)
I know you do this for yourself, but thanks for taking us along for the ride. It's so friendly of you, and much appreciated.
Wow, I do all that? Now you're almost making me believe that I'm smart when really, most of it is intuitive more than conscious choices. *grins*
*huggles* Any time, hun. I've been rather excited to see what people thought of this piece. :)
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