RIP Tim Russert

Jun 13, 2008 16:05

I just saw the breaking news that Tim Russert died suddenly today at the age of 58.  Normally I don't get upset when I hear of famous people dying.  After all, people die everyday and it isn't reported to the nation.  But this death has me rather upset.

One of Husband and I's rituals is Sunday morning breakfast and Meet the Press.  It is at the top of my list of very favorite times that we spend together, lazing around in our comfys, drinking coffee and talking politics, playing with the fat cats.

Tim Russert was a part of that time with us.  We both loved the way he would call people out when they tried to evade questions.  Especially when he asked a direct question and after his guest's response,Tim would say something to the effect of "Really, because in June of 2007 you are quoted in X and Such News Journal as saying the exact opposite".  Oh, that cracked us up every time.

I can't say I always agreed with his commentary, but he was one of the very few in the MSM that I believe was a true journalist and not just a pawn.  Husband and I will both miss him.
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