Dec 26, 2006 10:35
Christmas and Thanksgiving are finally behind us. Thank God. What a weird holiday season. (see earlier post) Thanksgiving was a disaster which put me off for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Including not puting up a tree. But a little less than a week before Christmas, my hubby tells me he wants a tree. So up it goes. I have to admit, even though I gave it very little attention to detail and it's not one of my finer trees, it put me in a better mood. Family came to visit and stayed longer than expected (which was nice)and we have plans to get together with friends later. It was a strange different mix, out of the ordinary as far as what we've done every other year. I find that I both enjoyed it, but missed the family moments. Even though they all drive me bonkers at times, the key word is FAMILY. We are what we are, for better or worse, and if I've learned anything in my now 55 years is not to assume there will always be next year. Life isn't like that. I enjoyed having a stress free holiday, but wonder what this next year will bring. Hopefully we will all be together next year and will be able to have a holiday together again. Maybe by then, I won't mind the stress so much. Oh wait, Easter's coming. (sigh)