Why did they do this?
I don't like this new set up on LJ .
Icky poo!
Well , now it's been one long day of recovering.
I went to the opening of the Banksy show last night.
I have befriended one of the curators and so I have been privy to the build up and various goings on.
All very exciting , disturbance of Paris Hilton and then Disneyland.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/5310416.stm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=404653&in_page_id=1770 My friend and I arrived late to the opening , which set us back a little ,as I missed some people I had hoped to chat with and we missed the stenciled elephant.
It is refreshing to see political work that makes you laugh.
It was all pretty damned funny.
I admire the guts it takes to do your work in the middle of everything as the world passes by.
It was great to see fancy people stepping out of the porta potties out back too!
My friend the Professor kept asking me why people are so snotty at Art Openings .
I said "c'mon , your'e the professor , you should be used to these things "
She isn't nearly as cynical as I am and still couldn't believe it .
"Why do these people act this way ?"
It actually was not that snobbish , in retrospect , nothing like what I used
to have to endure in New York way back when.
Although it was amusing to see so many painfully hip west side girls in their 800.00 jeans and faux punk attire in attendence and it always makes one wonder if they have any kind of understanding of what the show is about ...
I fished for an answer and all I could really summon was that at openings you have the Artist , their friends and family , the Gallery world people , who more often than not are rather creepy , the potential buyers and then the general public , regardless of class who maybe think that because they are attending something that is about "Art" the uneducated attendee ( meaning they just aren't really aligned with the variables which encompass Art , to use the term generally) quite possibly believe that they are taking part in something which only the very priveledged few are allowed.
This misconception or misunderstanding provokes them to behave arrogantly.
It was fun anyway for me , but too short , having arrived so late.
My curator friend kept telling us to stick around for a later gathering , but security was quite adamant about clearing the place.
I absolutely cannot bear waiting around to find out where the party is !
It just brings out the worst in me. Either you know where it is or you don't , and if I don't know I want to go home.
The Professor wanted to go , I did too, but I didn't want to stand around and I didn't want to flirt with every guy who was nice to me.
She is a big flirt .
Finally , I convinced her to leave.
I was to go out to some other Art events in the evening , but got stuck at home dealing with work.
The curator and some of her English friends dropped in for awhile .
Of course I was charmed to have an apartment filled with Englishmen.
They were off to a party . Some DJ thing , not my cup of tea.
They did leave me a copy of the new Swindle magazine that featured Banksy on the cover , and a piece on Dandies on the inside....
More Hob nobbing tomorrow...