(no subject)

Jun 24, 2014 11:05

The two prepositions de and do are very similar in form, and some dialects are even showing signs of merging the two (ARGH). They are distinguished primarily by their vowels and are identical in the third-singular-feminine form.


Both prepositions are frequently pronounced as if lenited and sometimes even spelled this way.

Do is an important preposition for its use in greetings and follows verbs of both giving and transmitting information, whee it marks the recipient. It is also used for things that happen to people: Cad a tharla duit? What happened to you? De is less frequent, but is used to refer to the removal of items from a surface (including undressing) and with the verb fiafraigh, to ask a question. It is also used in the phrase búioch de, grateful to.

D'inis siad scéal dom. They told me a story.
Múineann sé Gaeilge do pháistí. He teaches Irish to children.
Fiafraigh den mhúinteoir. Ask the teacher.
Bhain mé mo chóta díom. I took my coat off.

Okay, between fillings, chimney, and electrician I feel like I should just start an indiegogo or something. Will Write For Cash For Fixing Things What Are Broke. I guess the saving grace here is I don't need the crown still? And the chimney and electrician are not dire immediate freak out needs, and if I really need to at least one of those can go on a credit card but fucking hell, world. At least I have savings. And investments. And the electrician probably isn't that much, just installng things but. Fucking hell, world.

I should get my ass back to writing. I should get my ass back to writing and is there some kind of promo thing where I say "Hi I need $450 for fillings I will write you shit and you donate and so on" without perk levels? Or ... no, fuckit, I need to get my dumb ass back to writing. Never mind.

(Plus if I pre-write shit, or at least pre-draft shit, I can use that as perk levels and then it won't take much time to edit them into submission. Assuming I actually cave and do this fundraise thing. That requires effort.)

Other things, though, are going pretty well. My tomato plants, fucking hell. I tried the homemade lipstick experiment last night and it was shockingly easy, kind of fun, a mild pain in the ass to clean the bowl between colors, and crayola lipstick, folks. No, I am not scared of crayon ingredients, on further thought. Lord knows I've eaten enough of them. And pen ink. And I'm not all that careful about what I put in my mouth, okay? Okay. Things aren't that bad, and if I really do need to scream for help I can. I'm just protective of my savings and safety net. Like, a lot.

Right. I suppose if I'm going to do this writing thing I'd better get lunch and get to writing, hadn't I. Yesh.

grammar: pronouns, grammar: prepositions, learning: irish

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