Dragon Con 2013 - Day 3

Sep 01, 2013 18:40

Sunday! The fun thing about going to panels at 10 am on Sunday is that half the con is hung over and you get empty elevators, short breakfast lines, and good seats at panels. Kiki and I got up and hustled our butts down to the food court and then down to the Hyatt for the Grimm panel at 10. It was Claire and Russell only, because Silas had gone back to film, which answered that question of how they could have both the sidekicks at Dragon*Con. A and I theorized that it was because they were filming royal family scenes, but that makes sense too, since Russell came in more towards the middle of the con. They answered a lot of questions, they were really fun and personable. I took a LOT of notes on my iPod, lacking any other means, sadly, but someone else was also taking video, so I imagine (hope?) that video will be up later. We heard about how Russell tore his Achilles and Claire talked about Portland a lot, and it was really a lot of fun. I got in two questions! One about Adalind's premeditation of her conniving and how at sea she might be now, and one about historical aspects of Grimm and what they might want to see the show take on.

So, that was fun! Then it was back to the cafe to grab some fruit and juice for the boy and back up to the hotel room to deliver breakfast, meet
infiniteviking, and get changed into Silk Spectre. Then we went back downstairs to the Walk of Fame to try and get ahold of the people I still needed to get autographs of. I printed out the picture of Tahmoh Penikett and we went in, walked around... and no one. Well, plenty of people, but not the people I was looking for. Did get a Warehouse t-shirt though. We went, checked and saw that Penikett would be back around 4, and turned back to go out... and CCH Pounder was there! So I got her autograph (she saw Penikett's picture and said that was a handsome guy. XD) and then I went over to Genelle Williams and got her autograph (and she saw CCH Pounder's picture and said she was going to have to get one of those because that was a beautiful picture XD XD) and then Russell was back, so we went and got his autograph and favorite colors. And told him about the scarf project and he seemed really touched and pleased. So! I have a lot of spinning to do when I get back! Poor Frain and Chirpy, I think we might have to offer to make them pretty things in their favorite colors too, because their colors are more tied to their characters than themselves. Claire's just happened to be a fun coincidence.

So, anyway, then we put the autographs away and I got to go down, get lunch, spend some time hanging out with
viridian, Kiki, and others. There was a lot of rapid fire girl talk, natch. ;) And then I did eventually make it back down to the Walk of Fame to get Tahmoh Penikett's autograph and explained to him that I'd 'shopped and printed up this photo from Haven and he said he'd really enjoyed playing that role but, no, no one had ever contacted him about coming back. He said it was fun to play Balfour's dad and be creepy and scary. And I told him a bit about what Simon Crocker's reputation now was, so. That was fun! He was really sweet. And is actually more handsome up close, I think.


dragon fucking con, fandom - grimm

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