Con Report Day 1

Aug 30, 2013 11:03

Woke up. Could not go back to sleep thanks to the boy constantly poking me, so got up and did some sewing. Still tacking lightwire onto clothing, but that's better than poor
infiniteviking apparently, who got her luggage lost by the airline. :( :( :( I hope they find it for her.

But we got up finally, I put in my pigtails and grabbed my lab coat and hippo and we went out to breakfast. I did not grab my Caf-pow because this was Abby before caffeine, which is a monster you do not want to mess with. Then it was back to the hotel room, tack on some more lightwire. Check on and wrap the scarves and shower and change into Cheetara. (Note that at this point I have not yet written my notes for the scarves because fucking terrified.) Put on my Cheetara costume, promptly freaked out about how it wasn't perfect. Naturally. My wig is too messy and I'm too shapeless and my back is all messed up looking and shut up, wolves. I swear.

So. Down to the Walk of Fame, finally, after we all get it together and figure out what we're doing. Since the Walk of Fame opens at 1, somehow we end up getting there just in time to tag along at the end of the line, get in, and everyone's sort of milling around. Claire doesn't have a line! Excellent, I can embarrass myself at length. So I go up, I introduce myself as Kitty Chandler ('cause blog and such) and proceed to get gushed at about as much as I gush over her. If not more. I give her the scarf. She wears it for the next couple of hours, as far as I can tell, even though I only stick around for a couple of minutes. We talk about the blog, what else I blog about, I love her show, how's she finding the con. Silas Weir Mitchell is next to her. I'm pretty sure he's trying to listen in on the conversation without being rude to his current lineup. When it comes to his turn I get his favorite colors and sheepishly apologized if it seemed forward and he said the whole thing was thoughtful and adorable. And another adjective I don't remember but yes. Pretty much those exact words.

On to the next one! Ioan Gruffudd, who apparently actually knows someone from Bolivia with my name! So it wasn't unfamiliar to him. And me and Kiki both got his autograph and a freaking picture with him. Because he's adorable. And cuddly. I cannot begin to tell you how adorable and cuddly he is. On through a couple others, on to Burn Gorman who is THE NERDIEST. AND AWESOMEST. He recognized my costume while I was fucking in line. And winked at me. And wanted my picture. And we talked about working with del Toro (which he loved, and working with his co star) and he's looking forward to working with del Toro again and he loved playing Gottlieb and and and. High-fived me, yes, that too. Him and his adorable self augh I cannot stand it.

Let's see, what else. Julian Sands gave me a bit of information on Person of Interest for the blog. Natalie Tena and I spoke a bit of Spanish! Her voice is lovely, by the way. I have no idea why that stuck in my memory but it did. Anthony Simcoe and Paul Goddard were very friendly and cute, though Paul Goddard isn't in anything I can access lately. Woe. Um. Graham! Graham McTavish! I mentioned seeing him in Jekyll in his underpants, like you do, and we talked about that for a bit. Apparently that scene was exactly as cold as it looked to film, or so he said. Gleep. He also said James Nesbitt was taking a few days off to be with his family because his schedule was so busy this was the only time he could do it, so, well. All the best to him! And I asked him a bit about Khuzdul and possibly may have shown off a bit with the languages thing, which did impress him. Also he's really fucking tall. People loved my costume, even if they didn't always know who I was. (Actor people, that is.) James Cosmo! The guy who played Jeor Mormont, I got to stand and talk to him for a while, we talked about the Spanish language, he wanted to learn it, the Canary Islands, Guillermo del Toro whom he almost worked for but the project fell through, Spanish thinking and magical realism and how wonderful del Toro's movies are, I talked a bit in Spanish for him just for shits and giggles until I ran out of things to say. He was really, really amazing and fun to talk to.

And then we finally ducked out of there. Went back in to say hi and try to find Burn Gorman but didn't manage it before I had to go do my panel. But I did remember to grab lunch. My panel went well! I didn't freak out, I don't think I talked over people too much, I'm pretty sure I might have been the only one whose name they remembered other than the moderator on account of people actually referred to me by name somewhat. We talked, mostly about theories and also about the scraps of evidence the show had given us. I got to display my buffer storage skills. It was really fun! And I gave someone the url of our blog. And then back upstairs and more sewing of lightwire for a bit, and then dinner and meeting Alison for it, and then back up to the hotel room and semi-relaxing for the rest of the day, except for the part where Claire responded to me and I freaked right out. Oops. Need to stop doing that.

SO. That was Day 1. More may be added as I remember it, but right now ON TO DAY TWO.

fandom - pacific rim, dragon fucking con, fandom - haven, fandom - grimm, con report

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