Some expressions of time:
a) I ndiaidh (after)
This has the same meaning as tar éis (after) which you saw in Unit 12 and also requires the genitive case.
lón, lunch
i ndiaidh an lóin, after lunch
dinnéar, dinner
i ndiaidh an dinnéir, after dinner
b) Díreach (just, immediately)
This word is used in various ways:
Tosóimid díreach ar a naoi. We'll begin at nine on the dot.
Beidh mé díreach chugat. I'll be with you straight away.
Tá sé díreach imithe amach. He has just gone out.
díreach ina dhiaidh sin. Immediately after that.
c) Some adverbs and adverb phrases:
go luath, shortly
sul i bhfad, before long
chomh luath agus is féidir, as soon as possible
amach sa lá, later in the day
amach sa bhliain, later in the year
ina dhiaidh sin, afterwards
ar ball, later
níos déanaí, later
d) The prepositions ó (from) go dtí (up to) and idir (between) are used as follows:
óna dó go dtí a trí a chlog, from two to three o'clock
I has an Anna! We has a tired. But, let's see, so far we have visited a local restaurant I hadn't been to before that was quite tasty and rather nice, not too echoy inside, very close (walking distance), good prices, and I'm pretty sure they thought we were a cute lesbian couple. The waiter was cute! There were lamb sliders. Dear god they were fucking tasty. And nachos with queso that was also fucking tasty. And in general I approve of that place. And then we had hanging out on the couch and watching TV and eating chocolate bars and snarking at the stupid Poltergeist people. Like you do, because that show is full of silly.
Today the plan seems to be go to work and play it by ear in the evening. The boy has work so there won't be too many plans to do anything extensive, especially since he'll probably spend most of today asleep on account of no sleep yesterday. I have no idea what we were going to do tonight, there were some ideas but I don't remember any of them.
Stuff and things. I've gotten myself addicted to
Gates of Camelot, or rather Tanya Huff did. The evil wench. You should all join me and we can form a clan.
Yeah, I got nothing else and I should go do the getting ready for work thing. I has an Anna! This is going to be the bestest, most hilariousest two weeks ever.