(no subject)

Jan 11, 2013 12:07

Frau Burmann arbeitet als freie Journalistin, doch nun könnte sie wieder eine feste Stelle bei einer Zeitung bekommen. Sie spricht mit ihrem Mann darüber, ob sie diese Stelle annehmen soll oder nicht. Setzen Sie jeweils die Konjunctivform des Verbs in Klammern ein.

HERR BURMANN: Und wie viele Stunden _wäre_ (sein) das pro Tag?
FRAU BURMANN: Ich _ginge_ morgens um zehn aus dem Haus und _käme_ abends aber sicher nicht vor acht oder neun Uhr zurück.
HERR BURMANN: Hmmm, wie ginge das denn mit den Kindern? Das _gäbe_ doch ein ziemliches Chaos, wenn sie den ganzen Nachmittag allein _wären._
FRAU BURMANN: Wir _müsste_ nachmittags so lange einen Babysitter haben, bis du nach Hause _käme._
HERR BURMANN_ Das könnte wir ja schon organisieren. Es wäre natürlich nicht so einfach, einen guten Babysitter zu finden.
FRAU BURMANN: Ja, aber eigentlich fände ich es nicht so gut, wenn ich die Kinder nur noch ein oder zwei Stunden am Tag sehen würde. Wir _hätte_ ja gar kein Familienleben mehr.

That barely looks like words anymore. Ugh.

Still not feeling too good. Mostly just dizzy and flushed, which is a good sign that I've pushed my body about as far as it should go and lie the fuck down already. Which I can't, because I'm at work. Part of me is wondering what the hell I ever did to cause this, but I kind of think that regardless of the physical labor I have or haven't been doing (and there's been considerable of it anyway) the stress hasn't properly been allowed for and that's what's punching me in the face. At which point I get Martin Freemen in my head: "I always hear punch me in the face but it's usually subtext."

This is exemplifying my state of mind right now. I'm so tired the thoughts are drifting along in their little bubbles colliding with each other at random and spilling words over one into the other. This makes for a very interesting day but I think I might want to stay off the phones. Or out of the front of the store, or both.

So, now that my biscuits are a success and I've managed to bake something NOT from a box mix, I'm going to go back to trying my hand at bread, this time with slightly more detailed instructions. My usual approaches to cooking do not work for baking, so I'm having to teach myself with very slow, detailed instructions. Because my usual approach to cooking is "Eh, that looks like about half a teaspoon." or "Yeah, that could use some more vanilla/oregano/sea salt/worcestershire sauce." or "Crap, I don't have tomato paste. Diced tomatoes and tomato sauce it is!" I've discovered this is a Bad Idea when it comes to baking. Mostly because I got 'oh honey'd into enlightenment. Oops.

I have, at least, gotten languages done, gotten an introduction up for the first chunk of the post on Wesen biology, got my essay on the Women of Grimm up. Hey, it's like I can be productive or something! So there's that. And if I get any brain cells back ever I might even try to get the Wesen biology post done and drafted and up ahead of schedule so it can just automatically post public and I don't have to worry about it from here on in. Seriously, I love this blog, but sometimes I can't believe we managed to start it. Or, well, no. I can't believe we got enough reception/eyeballs on it that we feel like we have to continue collecting our thoughts in some sort of organized fashion, translating it out of us-speak and into language for public consumption, and posting it places. That's just weird. Literally, this is shit we used to do for fun. And now we still do it for fun, but there's about twice as much work because we have to organize and translate it all.

I'm sure I had something else I was going to say here. I can't think of what it was, though, so I guess it's time to start whittling down on my list of shit to do. Starting with day job work now that German is done. Yay.

grammar: verbs (subjunctive), learning: german

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