(no subject)

Nov 13, 2012 08:06

The verbs haben and sein are more commonly used in their subjunctive forms, wäre and hätte, tan as part of the würde-construction. Notice that the subjunctive form of sein is the simple past tense war plus umlaut and subjunctive endings: wäre, wärest, etc. The subjunctive of haben is the simple past tense form hatte plus umlaut and subjunctive endings: hätte, hättest, etc.

Manche Politiker möchten auf allen Autobahnen ein Tempolimit (speed limit). Sagen sie, was die folgenden Leute davon halten.
e.g. Robert / sicher froh. Robert wäre sicher froh.

1. Christine / unglücklich. Christine wäre unglücklich.
2. du / sicher auch unglücklich Du wärest sicher auch unglücklich.
3. Corinna und Rafael / dagegen Corinna und Rafael wären dagegen.
4. wir / dafür Wir wären dafür.
5. ihr / hoffentlich dafür Ihr wäret hoffentlich dafür.
6. die Grünen / glücklich Die Grünen wären glücklich.
7. ich / sehr froh Ich wäre sehr froh.

There was once a young Hunter who went boldly into the forest. He had a merry and light heart, and as he was whistling along there came an ugly old woman who said to him, "Good day, dear hunter! You are very merry and contented, but I suffer hunger and thirst, so give me a trifle."

The hunter felt sorry for the poor old woman, and he felt in his pocket and gave her all he could spare. He was going on, then, but the old woman stopped him and said, "Listen, dear hunter, to what I say. Because of your kind heart I will make you a present. Go on your way, and in a short time you will come to a tree on which sit nine birds who have a cloak in their claws and are quarrelling over it. Then take aim with your gun and shoot in the middle of them; they will let the cloak fall, but one of the birds will be hit and will drop down dead. Take the cloak with you; it is a wishing-cloak, and when you throw it on your shoulders you have only to wish yourself at a certain place, and in the twinkling of an eye you are there. Take the heart out of the dead bird and swallow it whole, and early every morning when you get up you will find a gold piece under your pillow."

The hunter thanked the wise woman, and thought to himself. "These are splendid things she has promised me, if only they come to pass!" So he walked on about a hundred yards, and then he heard above him in the branches such a screaming and chirping that he looked up, and there he saw a heap of birds tearing a cloth with their beaks and feet, shrieking, tugging, and fighting, as if each wanted it for himself.

"Well," said the Hunter, "This is wonderful! It is just as the old woman said." and he took his gun on his shoulder, pulled the trigger, and shot into the midst of them, so that their feathers flew about. Then the flock took flight with much screaming, but one fell dead, and the cloak fluttered down. Then the Hunter did as the old woman had told him: he cut open the bird, found its heart, swallowed it, and took the cloak home with him. The next morning when he awoke he remembered the promise, and wanted to see if it had come true. But when he lifted up his pillow, there sparkled the gold piece, and the next morning he found another, and so on every time he got up.

Давным-давно жил-был молодой охотник, кто в лес жирнно [find the proper adverbial form] пошёл. У его было сердце весёлое и лёгкое, и за [something. verb in progressive?] пошла уродливая бабушка, которая ему сказала

-Добрый день, дорогой охотник. Вы очень весёлый и доволный, но я испываю голод и жажду, поэтому давай мне капельку.

Охотнику бедную бабушку жалко, и обшарил свои кармани и давал все лишние вещи. Он продолжался идти, а бабушка его останавила и сказала...

-Выслушай меня, дорогой охотник. Из-за твоего любезное сердце я даю подарок. Идти по свое дороге, и через краткое время ты приходишь к дереву на котором девять птицы сидят, у них коготи мантия и они ссорятся из-за неё. Прицелься и стреляй серди них. Они будут ронять мантию, но которая-то из птицы будет ударена и падать мёртвая. Бери мантию с тобой. Ето мантия желания и когда набросишь на твои плечи, надо только поежлать себя в некоторый где-то и в мгновение ока, ты там. Сними сердце на мёртвую птицу и проглоти залпом, и каждое утро* когда вставаeшь ты найдешь одну золотую монету под твоей подушкой.

Охотник выразил благодарность бабушку (or благодарил бабушку), у себя думал - Эти замечательные события они мне обещала, если случают. Потому он похил через девяноста метра, когда он слышал наверху в ветках такых крикы и щебетания, что он посмотрел ввреху и тогда увидел стая птиц разорвали тряпку/ткани c кловами и ступнями, кричали, дёргали и драли, будто каждый хотел тряпку на собою.

Сказал охотник --Ну, это хорошо. Ето точно как бабушка сказала. И посадил оружьё на плечо, спустил курок и стрелял серди них.

Тогда стая взлетали с многим криками, а одна падала мёртвая, и мантия дрейфовала упала внизу. Тогда охотник сделал, что бабушка нему сказала: он разрезал птицу, разыскал сердце и проглотил.

Our apartment is a grand and epic mess. We've hit that stage of moving where almost everything is either in boxes or broken down or being used immediately that day and night. The room looks incredibly strange without the bunk bed and I spent a few minutes last night staring up at the ceiling for the first time in four years trying to figure out how the hell I was going to get to sleep with all that white above me.

I can't do half my goddamn exercises. The living room is full of boxes. This irks me. It's irksome.

On the plus side, heh, maybe we can get more packed up this week and shuffled over, and the boy's off this weekend so it looks like we're going to rent a uhaul and move a bunch of bookshelves over. Plus the crappy old TV, plus maybe a dresser, plus a spare bed someone's giving us. It's going to be a fucking exhausting weekend and I'm probably going to spend most of Saturday analyzing and packing, and most of Sunday moving things. As per usual. And then passing out at the end of Saturday and god knows what I'll be good for Sunday. Only a couple more weeks, self. Then at least the heavy lifting part will be over and it'll be down to, what can you unpack between other things and rearrange and clean up and throw out and so on and so forth.

And, okay, so I didn't finish the Yuletide fic yesterday, but I did get a good chunk added to it. And there was Casino Royale and much ogling of Daniel Craig and his eerily blue eyes. After watching A Certain Movie and the copious use of snark and grenade launchers it was decided that what I really needed was more violence, coupled with witty banter and intelligence. Which coincided neatly with a rewatch of the Bond reboot, even if Quantum of Solace was a bit of a hot mess. Skyfall, I've heard, is either a hot mess or a work of brilliance, and I'm not sure which, but that ought to satisfy my Big Badda Booms with Style and Cleverness requirements. Plus the whole part where I don't have to do anything requiring thought or heavy lifting for a couple of hours. That's always important.

I do need to get back to Nanowrimo, though. I need to sit down and I need to churn out the Yuletides and I need to get my dumb ass moving on my Nano. Which you wouldn't think would be so hard! Or at least, it wasn't supposed to be this hard, but my sheer lack of energy is killing me. I get home and there's twenty bajillion things to do with the house and then I want to pass out. Maybe it's Yuletide and Blogwork during the day, Nano at night. Although Yuletide shouldn't take too much longer to finish. Maybe I'll have time at work today, now that Flutter's back.

Meh. See, that's just what I need, though. More time. Do not has. Want, but do not has. Zathras trained in crisis management, not time management, dammit. No, self, you are not Zathras, you are a courtesan, and you are trained in both time and crisis management. So let's get to it.

writing, grammar: verbs (subjunctive), russian: yellow fairy book, learning: german

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