(no subject)

Oct 12, 2012 11:37

To negate sentences, ask questions, and form subordinate clauses, verbs are preceded by one of a series of particles indicating the type of sentence. These particles are never stressed and cause mutations on the verb that follows them. Questions and negative particles will be introduced here, and the rest in later units.

A statement is negated by the particle Ní preceding a verb. It causes lenition, if the consonant can be lenited.

Ní fheicim duine ar bith. I don't see anybody.
Ní ghlanann Caitríona a seomra. Caitríona doesn't clean her room.
Ní léann siad riamh. They never read.
Ní imrím cártaí. I don't play cards.
Ní itheann Brian feoil. Brian doesn't eat meat. (HAH.)

Questions are formed by the particle an before verbs, which causes eclipses. Often, an is barely heard in casual speech, or only the vowel is heard before a consonant, but the eclipses signals the question.

An bhfeiceann tú mé? Do you see me?
An itheann sí feoil? Does she eat meat?
An léann siad mórán? Do they read much?
An scríobhann tú litreacha? Do you write letters?

Negative questions (generally implying expectation of a 'yes' answer= are formed with the eclipsing particle nach. Nach aslo prefixes n to a vowel.

Nach bhfeiceann tú mé? Don't you see me?
Nach n-itheann sí feoil? Doesn't she eat meat?
Nach ndúnann siad an fhuinneog? Don't they close the window?
Nach léann tú úrscéalta? Don't you read novels?

Negative commands are also expressed with a preverbal particle, ná, which does not affect a consonant but prefixes h to a vowel.

Fan ansin! Stay there!
Ná fan ansin! Don't stay there!
Dún an doras! Close the door!
Ná dún an doras! Don't close the door!
Imigh! Go away!
Ná himigh! Don't go!
Ól an tae! Drink the tea!
Ná hól an tae! Don't drink the tea!

And then, the exercises of those I did yesterday. ... and what the hell grammar was that.

And just when I think I shouldn't add anything more to my to-write list, I get Eric is Roddy the Reinigen's real father. Why, brain? I have enough to do, why must you taunt me like this?

Ah well. I survived yesterday, went home early because there wasn't anything for me to do. With the roads all blocked off shipping ended about four hours early, and the storefront was deader than disco, and I went home to take notes on Haven stuff for other blog posts, backlog and so on. And that worked out pretty well.

The apartment is still a disaster area, but I think this weekend will be spent either analyzing or cleaning and packing. I've hit the point where half the shit that's lying around is little fiddly unpacked things that aren't easy to categorize and don't go in any particular box, which is half the reason the apartment looks like crap. (The other half is because Murdock has managed to worm himself again and decided to play in his own poo to boot. Or something.) So, get that all picked up and done, and then Sunday will be spent hauling boxes to and from the house and that will get that out of the way and maybe I can have a decent apartment again. The other reason the apartment looks like crap is because when the house hunting started, there was so much uncertainty over when we would be moving and whether or not we would even be moving this year, that my motivation to do more than basic household tasks dropped to about nil. So at least I know how that happened. Only now it all built up and ugh.

Ah well. If I'm very lucky we'll have Total Recall tonight, get back just in time to see Grimm, have head explodie over that and then see Haven. And prep all the prepping for tomorrow's episode analysis. And somewhere in there I have to draft up the next chapter of J3 before that slips back down under the radar again. Weird thing of the day, too: Apparently my tumblr posts of links to our analysis got the attention of an official actor's tumblr from Haven. Bunker now.

grammar: verbs, murderboarding, learning: irish

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