(no subject)

Sep 11, 2012 12:26

Yep, still don't know where my German book is. Buggeryfuck.

1. Wohin fuhrst du? (fahren)
2. Anna saht die Leute nicht an. (sehen)
3. Ein Mädchen verlangte zehn Briefmarken. (verlangen)
4. Petra reichte ihm das Kleingeld. (reichen)
5. Als ich ein Kind war, sammelte ich Briefmarken. (sammeln)
6. Er sprach leise, sie laut. (sprechen)
7. Ich war in Savannah. (sein)
8. Die Dame wartete auf seine Stimme. (warten)
9. Wann hattest du den Unfall? (haben)
10. Er las in einer Zeitung. (lesen)
11. Wir wollten uns nicht ärgern. (wollen)
12. Du hobst die Hand. (heben)
13. Was nahmst du? (nehmen)
14. Ich äß Sauerbraten. (essen)
15. Er plaudete zu viel. (plaudern)
16. Was dachte er? (denken)
17. Wo waren ihr? (sein)
18. Ich mochtete ihn nicht. (mögen)
19. Wir brachten ihr das Geschenk. (bringen)
20. Durftest wir das machen? (dürfen)
21. Ich änderte diese Übung letzte Woche. (ändern)
22. Was gab er ihr? (geben)

Well, that's just going to be a pain in the ass because I think there's no help for it but to memorize every damn one of those. UGH. On the plus side, I'm still doing the damn German, and another week of fucking around with the preterit tense shouldn't do me any harm if I have to do that while I dig around for where the hell I left the stupid book.

Um. Things and stuff. I'm learning how to do things on GoogleTasks! It's useful like a useful thing! And did I mention I am way too obsessive about Grimm lately? I spent a good twenty minutes or so last night running an episode from last season at quarter speed and eighth speed to try and figure out if a thing was what I thought it was (it was, continuity glitch, appearing/disappearing gun, bad editor) and describing the minute details of a fight sequence that lasted all of three seconds. Yeah. Three seconds, I know, because I timed it. And it's all going on Murderboarding! Along with actual analysis, I promise this isn't just me drooling all evening over Sasha Roiz.

For all the fiddly bits, I have surprisingly little to actually talk about. I do have a question for those who care to weigh in: the dining room is likely to be warm-tone woods and white, with sun coming in at least one if not two sides. What color placemats should I knit? Still working on fussing at my hope chest, I think the end verdict is to leave the afghan squares at work because those are very easy to pick up, figure out where I was, and put down again, and then do placemats and other more complicated things at home. Placemats first, because I don't know how long our dining table is going to be. But that means I need to pick the colors of the placemats. Out of these colors, guys. Swatch at the top is not all the colors we have, just a good representative sampling.

Anna has Howl in her head, I have Small Town Witch, and I know exactly who to fucking blame. On the plus side, I feel lighter than I have in a while, and like I can actually move on with planning and life and things. Hallelujah. Sing praise to the Goddess.

crafty kitty is crafty, fandom - grimm, grammar: verbs (preterit), learning: german

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