(no subject)

Aug 17, 2012 08:28

-Почему вы и нет? Совершенно нечем заняться.
Светлана на другом конце провода (хотя какие провода у мобильных телефонов?) молчала. Потом неохотно сказала:
-Знаешь, меня будто в сердце кольнуло. Ты веришь, что я беду чую?

"Why not? I've got absolutely nothing else to do."
Svetlana said nothing on the other end of the line (although, what lines are there with cell phones?) Then she said, reluctantly, "You know, I felt a sort of pricking in my heart. Do you believe I can sense trouble?"

Tosaigh, tosaigí - To begin
Tosaím, tosaíonn tú, tosaíonn sé, tosaíonn sí, tosaímid, tosaíonn muid, tosaíonn sibh, tosaíonn siad
Léigh, léigí - To read
Léim, léann tú, léann sé, léann sí, léimid, léann muid, léann sibh, léann siad
Lig, ligigí - to let
Ligim, ligeann tú, ligeann sé, ligeann sí, ligimid, ligeann muid, ligeann sibh, ligeann siad
Éirí, éirígí - To get up, to rise
éirim, éireann tú, éireann sé, éireann sí, eirimid, éireann muid, éireann sibh, éireann siad

I'll conjugate some more verbs at work, I need to get the hang of figuring out which is the stem.

Hey, look what I forgot to post the other day oops. Actually I've been falling down on languages a lot this week. Stupid mail order sale. Stupid exhaustion.

New plan: Thursday nights are me time, and I'm not going to game. The last two games we've supposedly had we spent the entire night shooting the shit and not actually getting any gaming done. Hell with that. I mean, I understand that there's going to be some social time, but I am neither impressed nor amused by planning to do one thing and then fucking off and not doing it two evenings in a row.

Still exhausted. Really really exhausted, in half of yesterday I ran around about as much as I had the day previous. Today's not going to be much better unless I get everything done at the start of the day and then nothing much shows up to do. Which, given that it's Friday, there's normally a 50/50 chance of it being hectic to the point of exhaustion. Given the sale I'd up that to about 80/20 in favor of exhaustion. On the plus side, it is Friday, which means I can come home and fall over till I feel like getting up and doing something.

And in today's Grimm appreciation post, we have rings for everyone! I love that the show pays enough attention to detail that every member of the family we see has the ring. We can't see what the signet or symbol or whatever is, so we don't know if it's the same, but they have one. It makes me squee a little. Okay, more than a little.

I should learn not to post these things until after I get to work and the aunt has a chance to babble at me. So, this morning's fun story about my family was a road trip the grandparents (I think, or friends of theirs) took from France to Spain through the Pyrenees. And they were driving along and came across a circus that was slowly making its way through the back roads. And since they were back roads and this was back before everyone and their cousin with a chin had the car everyone was a bit startled and there was some brouhaha, and in the course of all this an elephant sat on the hood of the car. Not damaging it significantly, but putting a sizable dent in the hood. Well, they got that straightened out and everyone went along and a little later down the road they came across a motorist who'd had an accident, who was by the side of the road with a wrecked bike. So they gave him a lift to the next town, small Spanish town, and they took him to the police station to report it and the police gave the guy a lift to the hospital and then the police started to interrogate the grandparents/family friends (I think it was my grandparents but now I've forgotten the proper antecedent). Because they had this damaged motorist and a big dent in the front of their car. And sure they'd picked up the motorist but he was at the hospital by this point and couldn't back that up. And when asked about the dent all they could say, truthfully, was "An elephant sat on the car."

So, that happened to my family. My family has some truly wacky adventures.

family, grammar: verbs, fandom - grimm, learning: irish, russian: twilight watch

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