(no subject)

May 02, 2012 13:04

--Новолуние, --понимающе кивнул человек.
Пустота снова засмеялась.
--Нет. Приступы оборотней не связаны с лунным циклом. Вы будете чевствовать приближение безумия за десять - двенадцать часов до момента преващения. Но точного графика вам никто не составит.

"The new moon," the man said with an understanding nod.
The void laughed again. "No. Werewolves' frenzies aren't linked to the lunar cycle. You'd be able to sense the onset of the madness ten or twelve hours before the moment of transformation. But no one can draw up a precise timetable for you."

[adjective?] [adverb] [verb past tense] [noun subject]
[noun subject] [adverb] [verb past tense]
[negation] [noun plural subject] [noun genitive plural] [negating particle] [adjective?] [prepositional phrase (preposition, adjective instrumental, noun instrumental)]. [pronoun] [future copula] [verb infinitive]

Time expressions
maidin - morning
ar maidin - this morning
tráthnóna - evening/afternoon (any time after 4pm or so)
tráthnóna - this evening
anocht - tonight
aréir - last night
oíche amárach - tomorrow night
lá - day
inniu - today
inné - yesterday
amárach - tomorrow

Further examples of adjective-noun combinations; remember, adjectives are lenited after feminine nouns.
lá breá - a fine day
tráthnóna fuar - a cold evening
sioc trom - a heavy frost

oíche bhreá - a fine night
maidin fhuar - a cold morning
báisteach throm - heavy rain

aimsir bhreá - fine weather
aimsir bhog - mild weather
aimsir fhuar - cold weather
aimsir ghránna - terrible weather

Noting that in Irish, adjective follows noun. Which makes... English, French. Japanese. Russian. German. Where nouns follow adjectives, and Irish and sometimes Spanish where adjectives follow nouns. Spanish is just weird. I'm sure there are grammar rules for when it goes which way but I don't know them off the top of my head. I just babble and Spanish comes out, usually.

Still so tired. House stuff keeps going, there's an idea of a fix in place for the current snag but I don't know if it's going to help at all given the glacial pace at which the bank moves. I did get some calls in to some local hardwood flooring places, got some very rough quotes for some very rough sketches of 'this is the scope of the project,' so I am reassured that that won't take the bulk of our moving in budget.

I have twenty bajillion works in progress, half of them for NYR. I need to remedy this. I also need to sit down with my girls and plot the next night of Miss Fisher and knitting circle. This is one thing I have really missed since my days of knitting and watching Golden Girls with my grandmother, and Goddess bless the internet for giving it to me again. I can have TV and knitting night with my girls. And, of course, I have to pack for Maryland Sheep and Wool. Bleh. Well, no, actually, that's mostly done. Maybe I'll just sit and work on WIPs for a bit.

I want a nap.

learning: irish, learning: russian

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