(no subject)

Apr 19, 2012 09:59

- Да, это вариант, - согласился невидимый собеседник. -Вампиры могут вас инициировать. Если вас устроит существование нежити... нет, я не буду брать, солнечный свет им неприятен, но не смертелен, да и от ризотто с чесноком отказаываться не придется...

"Yes, that's one possibility," his invisible companion agreed. "Vampires could initiate you. If you would be happy to exist as non-life... no, I won't lie, they don't like sunlight, but it's not fatal to them, and you wouldn't have to give up risotto with garlic..."

[... particle? what part of a sentence is 'yes'?] [indicative pronoun] [implied copula verb] [noun], [verb past reflexive] [adjective] [noun]. [noun plural] [verb plural] [pronoun formal dative? dammit. forgot the case] [verb infinitive]. [coord conj.] [pronoun formal] [verb present third plural?] [verbal adjective?] [noun plural?]... [negatory], [pronoun] [negating particle] [future copula] [infinitive verb], [noun] [.. emphasizing reflexive pronoun? thing?] [pronoun] [???], [coord conj.] [negating particle] [adjective?], [emphatic positive] [coord. conj.] [prepositional phrase (preposition, noun {further prep phrase [preposition, noun instrumental]})] [verb infinitive] [negating particle] [verb] This is one of those inversion things, isn't it.

My kingdom for a reliable dictionary, dammit.

And now I want risotto with garlic. I should make risotto at some point.

There was supposed to be German here but I ated it. Speaking of German, though, I would like to note for those of you who haven't already seen Anna's victory dance all over everything that, yes. It is, in fact, der Verrat in Grimm, and not the Ferrat. It didn't occur to me that it was German until I heard the word in the context of a KMFDM song, but once I heard that it made perfect sense. And once I looked up what 'Verrat' meant (being as a v in the first position of a word makes an 'f' sound) it made even more sense. So, it is 'der Verrat', as confirmed by Monroe and is poor German saying 'the Verrat' in the sneak peak for the upcoming episode and I feel vindicated and smug.

I also feel somewhat more triumphant because, okay, backing up. Yesterday I got an IM from the boy saying that Mortgage Lady 2 had called and reminded us that our awesome rate of awesome expires on Monday. YAY. So I called Realty Lady to find out where we were on the plumbing and thus the appraisal and thus closing on this goddamn fucking house. She said she'd check and call me back. And within about 10 minutes she'd called me back to say that the selling bank is fixing the goddamn plumbing! Not even with an addendum that says we have to pay them back, they're just fixing it! Possibly because they know they can't get it sold without that fixed. Heh. So, the listing agent is arranging that, and judging by the speed with which they got out there the first time hopefully the appraisal can be concluded next week or so? I called Mortgage Lady 2 back and told her, and she said she'd put in for a rate extension and contact Mortgage Lady 1. And today I should actually email the paralegal with a quick update to say things are in motion again. PROGRESS. It's like a miracle.

I watched Caprica last night. Just one episode, but another shirtless Sam Adama episode. The only problem with this one is that he was shirtless during an obviously fairly religious funeral. With everyone else wearing clothing that I can only describe as frum. And my anthropology brain grabbed onto that and was all "WHAT. EVERYONE ELSE IS DRESSED UP. WHY IS HE HALF NAKED." And I then spent the entirety of the funeral scene trying to reconcile the function of semi-nudity and ritualistic tattoos on display with the function of visually conservative, body-covering clothing. And not actually ogling the man I meant to ogle.

Yes, we know I'm weird, shut up.

Right. I have a pile of crap to do today. Mostly non-day-job stuff, but we'll see how crazy the store gets. At the very least I need to check in. Get some stuff written, maybe do some New Years Resolutions, and get some web coding done. Now that BBM's been put off I can just do that as weekend work without hassle, and, um. Squirrels. Does anyone know what the hell happened to Novel BigBang? Did they just vanish into the aether?

fandom - grimm, i need a life in the worst way, learning: russian

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