(no subject)

Apr 13, 2012 08:57

Annette denkt, dass Erik krank aussieht. Geben Sie die Sätze auf Deitsch wieder.
ANNETTE: Why did you get up so late?
ERIK: I don't feel well. Ich fühl nicht wohl.
ANNETTE: Do you have a fever? Hast du auch Fieber?
ERIK: No, I caught a cold. My throat hurts. Nein, ich bin erkältet. Der Hals tun mir weh.
ANNETTE: You look pale. Maybe it's better if you go to the doctor.
ERIK: You're right. I do feel weak.

Из красивых фонарей, тянущихся вдоль пристани, горел каждый пятый -- и то лишь по поводу блажи большого человека, вздумавшего прогуляться у реки.
-- Снова повторяю, -- тихо сказал человек.
Only one in five of the beautiful lamps stretching along the quayside was lit-- and that was only to humor the whim of the important man who had decided to take a stroll by the river.
"I repeat it yet again," the man said in a quiet voice.

Still no word on house anything. No idea what's going on, if we'll make the closing date, and I can only assume that people would email me if something were wrong that I could fix. Or if they wanted me to start undoing all the crap I'd done in the last ... however long. How many weeks has it been, even? I have no idea. I am tired and I am not goddamn doing this again. So very not. If we don't make this work, Bri's doing all the logistical crap for the next house. And then I am not leaving it.

I keep saying that, I wonder if it'll actually end up being true.

Saw the first few episodes of Caprica last night. Sam Adama is the awesomest, as many wise people have said before me. I want to punch Daniel Greystone in the face with a 10lb weight, repeatedly. Josef Adama is not much better, for all his good intentions and relatively tame manipulations. (Although Sam Adama is not free of manipulating people, you twerp. He just does less of it and more actively beating the crap out of people.) Um. There were a plethora of actors I recognized from other things, it was kind of hilarious. Eric Stoltz, one Deadwood, one Rome, one Alcatraz, two Blood Ties... Esai Morales. Sasha Roiz, the impetus for the whole thing in the first place, and yes, the shirtless assassination scene was hot. I want one. For my room. I don't care if he doesn't swing my way.

It's a good show but it is so creepy on so many levels. A lot of them having to do with all the myriad terrible things you can do to a sixteen year old girl. Either implied or outright done. Um. No, it's a good show, but I'm glad it got cancelled almost solely because if it hadn't we wouldn't have the lovely Captain Renard. I'm shallow, deal with it. Also looking forward to seeing what happens with Renard and that woman from the preview pics for tonight's episode. Inquiring minds want to chew on all the data.

Today, yet more labeling of things, some weaving might happen just to keep my head from exploding from stress. We may get some answers, we may not. Right now the only answer I want is a yes, the appraisal's going forward/completed, make an appointment with the lawyers and everyone. My odds of getting that answer are probably vanishingly slim. So, weaving, writing, possibly porning, depending. Captain Renard triggers all my authority-kink-writing urges ever. Possibly editing. Possibly some web coding or some knitting, I still have 19 squares to go on my lap robe afghan thingie. I have things to keep me busy. I just don't like that I need things to keep me busy because otherwise I will turn into a tiny whimpering bug-eyed ball of stress, rather than I need things to keep me busy because I get bored otherwise.

Oh, and no. No Irish. Languages, after that house snafu, went base over apex this week. As you may have noticed. Oops.

learning: german, learning: russian

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