(no subject)

Mar 29, 2012 07:52

Впрочем, от постоянной любовницы он тоже собирался отказаться. Все-таки возраст не победит никакая виагра, а супружеская верность начинала входить в моду.
But then, he was planning to get rid of his full time lover -- after all, no Viagra can conquer age, and conjugal fidelity was coming back into fashion.

[... Coordinating conjunction?] [prepositional phrase (preposition, adjective accusative, noun accusative?)] [pronoun subject] [I have no idea what this particle is; too/also] [verb past tense reflexive] [verb infinitive]

Oof. Headache. Fucking shark week.

So, yes, all the paperwork is in, we're working on insurance, we got a quote that seems reasonable and we're slowly collecting a couple more. The boy is working on the heater problem, which at least isn't something we'll need before we move in, and I'm collecting quote on electric and masonry. Or I would be if anyone would ever get back to me.

It's funny how things are suddenly moving along now. Funny and exciting. We'll get the plumber back in, get the electrician in and get the mason in to do the steps. Maybe try and schedule the plumber and the mason for the same day and I can sit around and knit and take measurements and just take the day off work and get that done. The electrician might have to go around the same places the plumber would and scheduling two contractors to step over each other while they work doesn't seem right to me. Eeee so excited.

It's spring, which to my body seems to mean EAT ALL THE FRUIT. Fortunately I work a few blocks down from a farmer's market type stand in a downtown mall, so if I have a few bucks in my pocket and a few minutes to walk up I can go grab a couple apples and oranges, which I did yesterday. Om nom apples.

And, um. No, really, that's it. House stuff, slowly getting back on the horse with languages and exercise, next week scaling up to more things. Working on writing, getting back to life routines in a way after everything went to House Logistics. ... I'd swear there was something else I was thinking of, but I can't remember it now. My word gardens are growing? My forget-me-nots, not so much, but I don't know how long it takes them to sprout anyway and it's only been ... four days? I think. Anyway. We'll see!

learning: russian

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