(no subject)

Mar 22, 2012 17:01

Он даже спортом занимался с опережением -- забросив теннисную ракету и перейдя на горные лыжи на месяц раньше всех кремлевских чиновников... даром что в его годы с удовольствием на горных лужах можно только стоять.

He was even ahead of the game in the sports that he played, having abandoned his tennis racket for mountain skis a whole month before all the Kremlin officials (even though at his age the pleasure he could get from his mountain skis was limited to standing on them).

[Pronoun] [adjective?] [noun instrumental?] [verb past tense reflexive] [prepositional phrase (preposition, instrumental case)]

[some form of verb. argh.] [adjective accusative] [noun accusative] [coordinating conjunction] [same form of verb?] [prepositional phrase (preposition, adjective plural accusative, noun plural accusative)] [prepositional phrase (preposition,

1. Was trinkst du am liebsten? Ich trinke wasser am liebsten.
2. Was isst du am liebsten? Ich iss Schokolade am liebsten. >.> What. It's totally a food group. Or something.
3. An welchem Tag gehst du am spätesten ins Bett? ... Um. Am .. Freitag? Ich gehe am spätesten ins Bett.
4. Welche Sprache sprichst du am besten? Ich spreche Englisch am besten.
5. Was studierst du am liebsten? Ich studiere Irish am liebsten.
6. Wer arbeitet in deiner Familie am schwersten? ... Ich kenn nicht. (kennen? wissen? It's not precisely a fact.)
7. Welchen Sport treibst du am liebsten? Ich treibe Fußball am liebsten.
8. Welcher Politiker spricht am besten? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. No, um. President Obama spricht am besten.
9. Welche Stadt ist die schönste? ASHEVILLE IST DIE SCHÖNSTE.
10. Wer ist der beste oh fuck you book. It's not all about sports.

Oh, hey, guess who forgot to post this morning.

So, I got my first Echoes of our Conversations book today. It's a book containing mostly old interviews that were never printed or aired with the cast and crew? of Babylon 5. I picked up this first one because it had an interview with Andreas Katsulas, rest him, who went beyond the Rim several years ago now. And I loved his character, I loved the actor, and I actually rather regret not getting a chance to meet him at the one con I was at that he was too. I don't often say that about actors, but he was one cool cat. So, I picked it up. It was on sale and it wasn't that much and, dammit. Interview. Now that I think about it, though, I might actually pick up all the rest of them. Babylon 5 was an amazing series for its day, and periodically I go back and revisit it, and it still wears well over time. I still love it and all its folk, characters and actors alike. Except that psychic we don't talk about.

Copies of things have been obtained for Law Firm for dropping off tomorrow, things progressing about as planned. At this point it seems also like it's progressing so fast that I won't make a victory post until it's done and we have keys in hand. Maybe not. Who wants to see a victory post?

At some point I need to make a breakdown of initial costs as far as what we have to toss around goes. I've got down payment and closing cost monies, the boy has settling in monies, at least as far as I can tell. Closing costs seem to be mostly an estimate until the invoice is in front of you. Still, I should have that covered. The fun part is going to be figuring out the appliances, furniture, all that jazz. Mostly the appliances because I'm not sure what fits where, we didn't take measurements when we were inspecting. Like dopes. And I've already got ballpark figures on the repair costs for the most needed of repairs. I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I was when the plumber gave his estimate. Literally, I had been crying a little as I put away the dream house in my head under "would be nice but probably too expensive" and then all of a sudden it was handed back all "Nah, you're good." And boy has taken over heating logistics, which is the Big Project of the house. Or at least he better have or I will donkey punch him. (Not really. But I will be cross.)

Tonight is a night of all the silly movies and knitting. And relaxing. And not doing anything that requires brainpower. And possibly lots of sleep. Tomorrow there will be more work, because there's always more work. Always a boom tomorrow.

learning: german, supposedly responsible adulthood, learning: russian

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