(no subject)

Mar 20, 2012 11:19

У него было хорошее чутье, вполне заменявшее вкус. Он вовремя сменил спортивный костюм «Адидас» китайского пошива на малиновый пиджак, первым отказался от малинового пиджака в пользу костюма от Версачи.

He possessed a keen intuition that was more than adequate as a substitute for good taste. He had switched his Chinese-made Adidas tracksuit in good time for a crimson club jacket and had then been the first to ditch the crimson [ed. RASPBERRY] jacket in favor of a suit from Versace.

[prepositional phrase? (preposition-possessive, pronoun genitive, past tense neutral copula, adjective, noun)] [adverb] [... I have no idea. Verbal.. something.] [noun]. [Pronoun] [adjective] [verb past tense singular] [adjective] [noun] [brand name] [adjective genitive] [adjective genitive? is that an adjectival phrase then?] [prepositional phrase (preposition, adjective, noun)], [adjective ... instrumental?] [

Well, that went better than expected. I told the boy what the plumber told me when he woke up, and what I'd found out. He then said "Dammit! I hate working on incomplete data" and I womanfully refrained from throwing something at his head because that's what I've been saying this whole time. And the only deadline was losing our earnest money deposit, which wouldn't matter if we found out that we did want the house anyway and if we found out that we didn't, I at least would consider it money well spent.

But, anyway, he is now on board for what we are currently paying or less, if the bank blinks first. Which means that if this does pan out I need to wrangle yet more logistics, oh fun. But at least I get to take my box of paperwork out of my bag! YAY.

BOO. Chrome, stop crashing, I know I need to reboot the damn thing.

There. I've emailed the Realty Lady and asked what the worst case scenario is, and had my little gigglefit over the front door of Old Hotness. Basically it's kind of scratched up and sad looking, though still solid. So maybe we'd sand it a bit and repaint it. Now, this door is currently red. But all the shutters on the outside are black. So, being a classic rock fan, you see where I'm going with this? Cue the Rolling Stones. I swear, if this works out I will do some kind of time lapse video of painting the damn door and set it to that song. It will be hilarious.

... No, I'm an idiot. I'm probably not going to hear back from Realty Lady today, she's got a Thing of Thingness that takes precedence. All right then, focusing more on getting back into routines and not thinking about Old Hotness for a little while. Apart from knitting on the hope chest, which is less about Old Hotness and more about yay home ownership.

supposedly responsible adulthood, learning: russian

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