And things~

Jan 28, 2011 01:36

I've been so lazy on the internet lately. Especially here. General chaos has been going down in the house, but for now it's cooled slightly. Mom moved in, and then moved back out again. There's a lot more behind that story but I'm not about to go into it now. My brother's kids still cause havoc when they're here, and for the most part I can't stand them. Which is sad, since we're family, but they need to keep their damn dirty kid-hands to themselves and out of my room. O:<

A few weeks ago I was able to go visit chiharu_octavia and krispy_kream in California, and had fun even if things were a little stressful. I just was glad I could be there for my friends. ;3; And I got to see my family~! Who are totally awesome, I miss my cousins so much. They rock. Also my grandparents who cook me awesome food and offer me alcohol as soon as I walk in the door. HECKS YEAH.

I also got to go to the Volks store! It was surprisingly close to where I was staying which was awesome as I had to drive there myself with my renewed knowledge of standard cars. Roxy got a dress out of the trip which is SO CUTE ON HER. But now she needs shoes to match. I was THIS close to buying a YO, but thankfully didn't have the scratch to pay for it on hand. OH MAN BUT IT WAS TEMPTING. @3@

Mat and I are doing awesomely! We both have our moods but I think we're learning. It'll be 8 months next week! GOODNESS~ And I will have known him a whole year. lulz~ He makes me so happy~ even if he doesn't think he does sometimes.

I feel with lack of internet lately I've fallen out of touch with quite a few of my friends. The sad part is a few of them actually live in town. I can't exactly tell if it's scheduling conflicts or if it actually is ME that's the problem. I've already lost one of my best friends for reasons unknown to me, I don't think I could honestly stand to lose more the same way. I think I just need to be more pro-active in my friend's lives? But it's hard when I feel like they don't want me around sometimes. ): And I am so horribly passive I feel I would just let it go without figuring things out. HURRRF. D:

Sarah (zomgvampires and I have started a podcast! We only have 1.5 eps up, but we're planning for more coming up. Hopefully we'll get some recording done soon on the next one! If you're interested, or just bored and want to hear us blabber about things, give us a listen! :D

family,, friends, dolls, travel

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