
Jun 01, 2010 03:28

A hopefully quick update, since I didn't start an entry early enough in the day.

BIRTHDAY IN A DAY!!! Exciting. Kinda. Had my party yesterday, it was lots of fun. :3 Didn't get as drunk as I had hoped though.

Had a date last week. That was really really nice. Got flowers and dinner and a movie! And was all dressed up and stuff!! Ffff yay~ Finally saw Avatar. PRETTY NEAT.

Apartment living is going ok? Flies EVERYWHERE. And constant shortage of paper goods. Especially toilet paper.

ALSO. I'm going to Akon this year? Anyone else? ANYONE??? I'm praying to have a good time this con, A-kon rarely treats me well. But trying to keep my head up, and not think about how much I would have rathered been at Fanime this weekend. (BAW)

cons, birthday, apartment

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