Jun 06, 2009 20:08
.... cept not really. D: Thankfully Soubi didn't get totalled, but LKSJDLFKJLKSDJF ACCIDENT GOD DAMMIT. And I still have so much driving to do this weekend.
I'm worried about my party tomorrow cuz I'm a horrible planner and I dunno how its going to go or if we'll have enough food or if everyone will have fun and and and and ;___; How do people have birthday parties? THIS IS SO BEYOND ME I DON'T EVEN KNOW. And I don't have any ideas for what to do after. ):
If I haven't invited you, YOU ARE INVITED TO MY PARTY TOMORROW (around 3pm) at raymond rimkus park by my house. BYOB and food and anything else. :| Me = not good at planning potlucks, srsly. Um stuff. I wanted to have a pinata so I could decorate it like a zombie, but I don't think I have the monies for that.
I got Sims3 working, ends up not running it in full-screen helps alot. Ended up making Birkin Family first and they are cuuuuuuuuuuute. Cept I had William enrolled in the criminal career and he kinda got arrested a couple of times. And yet neither Annette nor Sherry seemed to notice or wonder where daddy was. Probably gonna make a house next door with Wesker & Co. Then I'll consider the votes and go for Furuba and Me & Co (though WHAT co... is the problem. SO MANY FRIENDS. IM SO POPULAR)
And now we must go eat.