Feb 28, 2009 22:05

Some shit about birth order: I'm youngest of two with an older brother.
Struck out is wrong, bold is dead on and regular is somewhat true.

As a child, you were probably spoilt - or else teased and tormented - or sometimes, both. Maybe your parents spoilt you, and your brothers and sisters got even, in private!

Your temper tantrums were probably encouraged, as you looked "so cute". Your brothers and sisters maybe did everything for you, as they wished your parents had done for them. They probably dressed you; carried you around; bathed you etc.

The older brothers and sisters were encouraged to be independent and reliable, whereas you had so much done for you. This causes you to feel too young, or little, or clumsy, to do things for yourself - and your feelings of uselessness can continue into adulthood.

If you were loved and cuddled and cared for, you probably grew up with an easy going and happy attitude.

But if your family made you feel like a pain or burden, you may have grown up feeling angry, and anxious.

You can feel you have to talk louder, or faster, to get some attention and understanding, and this can irritate others.

You are likely to have opposing tendencies in your personality, and behaviour. Lack of confidence vs. extreme confidence; gentleness and acceptance vs. roughness and demanding.

You are either a lively party-goer, or shy stay-at-home type; sex kitten or prude; chatterbox or silent one. You can be extremely gullible; or extremely suspicious. IM BOTH.

When you are sad, you are deeply suffering. When you are happy, you are ecstatic.
You seldom feel anything in between - it's one extreme or the other. You are rarely neutral.
(it used to be like this... but i think im more neutral now XD )

You don't care about other people's opinions of your behaviour.

As a child, your older brothers and sisters' maths problems, for example, were a big deal. And their first romance was treated like it was straight from "Romeo & Juliet". But when it was your turn, your maths problems were regarded as trivial - and your heartaches were dismissed as puppy love. So as an adult, you now dismiss your problems, and put down your pleasures.

Although the ONLY BOY and ONLY GIRL often remain single throughout their lives, you are the likeliest to remain single LONGER THAN ANY OTHER BIRTH ORDER. You often like to live with a married brother or sister and their family.

You can have a wide circle of friends, and desire little material possessions.

You are a good mother, teacher, nurse etc. and can give lots of understanding and caring. But you like lots of "time out" or "time off" to restore yourself.

OF ALL BIRTH ORDERS, you are the cleverest at E.S.P., telepathy, etc. This is due to so much going around you as a child, but not actually told to you, that you used "your antennae" more than anyone else, to find out what was really happening.

Um i guess? XD That last part WUT.


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