Well Damn

Dec 29, 2008 14:46

So starting in chronological order, Saturday night Sarah and I went to a friend of her's house to hang out before we were going to the Rocky Horror show. They had ordered pizza, but her and I already ate so unfortunately I was too full to try out some authentic Chicago Pizza, but I'm sure that day will come soon. There was this guy that was playing guitar and he sang a couple of impromptu songs, and they were quite hilarious. We had a few drinks and then started this drinking game that you play with cards called "asshole" D: And I drank alot faster than I would have if I was just taking my time and I got druuuunk. But omg, Disaronno is now like, my favorite. I thought I was gonna get sick but I didnt!! Even if i had to lay down for a while. :| But then I was too drunk/tried and Sarah was tired and we didn't go to the show after all.

And the next day~ the family took me downtown. We're going to see Wicked on Friday instead, so the trip was just going to be to see the buildings and eat. But since it was Sunday, going up the Sears Tower was going to be a two hour wait and we were all hungry so it was like NO. But then Harry Caray's was too packed and the House of Blues was closed until dinner so we ended up going to eat at this place called "Smith & Wallensky" Holy Jesus it was delicious and freakin expensive. DDD: But oh god so good. @__@ After that we were all sleepy so we just decided to go home. XD But Sarah and I are going to go downtown again sometime this week. This trip is great because I think I've only spent about 20 dollars since I got here. <333

And after we went to get Degeneration and watched it when we got home~ **This may be somewhat spoilery, but I trust most of my flist has seen this already** Claire was the best part of it and her hair was just so god damn SHINY (distracting at times honestly). OK ok wait no. She wasn't the best part cuz when they did a flashback to Birkin I was like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~ I don't care if all it was was a shot of the back of his head and his huge arm-eye D: I will buy this movie just for you William. And I was really happy they mentioned Chris (of course they would) but I was like BAW YAY. God I was so scared for a moment that they were going to kill Claire and I was like NO NO NO I cannot take this kind of heartbreak for Chris, but THANKFULLY. And JESUS, could we get a Leon/Claire HUG? That is all I really wanted even if it was like... a man hug (which Im sure Claire is apt to give anyway) God. Also wtf Claire getting stuck with a loli again for half the movie? XD Sherry -> Rani.. I was like da fuck guys. No loli will surpass the badassery of Sherry though. Ever. And lololol Frederick was awesome and I was secretly hoping he was good but I knew better. I just have a bit of confusion as to HOW he got hold of the G if like.. there was only a limited supply in 2. But I guess... If HUNK got one of them.. they would have developed it further? But O_o didn't they say Fred got it OUT OF RACCOON? Because then that makes no sense. All I know is that this made me want a remake of 2 like nothing else. Huuu~

Other than all of that. I got sick :| Yep. A cold is hitting. I'm trying to keep it at bay but we'll see how that progresses.

sicks, food, chicago, residentevil

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