Halloween Report!

Nov 02, 2008 01:17

So 3 years in a row attempting to trick-or-treat and this is the first one that actually worked out!! :3 I got a good amount of candy and got some exercise out of it! O: I hadn't eaten all day, so when we (lina, vanessa & koichi) finally ordered pizza i scarfed up a few peices. Had a little of lina's bday cake and a couple of shots and drinks before we head out to the clubz.

First we went to Atomix where they were playing O: DECENT MUSIC. The last few times we've been going it was craaaaap. (wtf you do not play sexy back at a gothclub, kthnx) They were having a costume contest too which Vanessa and I only signed up for because there was a chance at 100 bucks. (we were baglady/cyberwa-ish) But we lost to Amy Winehouse (woman, your costume was not original, i saw like 10 of those on the street later). But I would have happily lost to the CAPTAIN AMERICA that was there. I cheered for you Cap ;__; you should have won. But they took off right after the contest!! I WANTED TO HIGH-FIVE YOU GOD DAMMIT.

Straight after that, we went to the Heat, where we had to stand in line. (buu) It wasn't as fun there as it usually is. Lani wasnt there to bartend and the DJ was playing crappy music that sounded like the same goddamn song through the whole time we were there. But Vanessa and I found two new parts to the club. (there are like 5 bars in that place, damn!) And danced briefly to Prince and some other song. We also made Koichi put a dollar in some dancer-dude's pants, and that was great. After a while it just wasn't getting fun and we were not drunk enough to enjoy the music (not at all really, i was kinda sad) so we went home. Vanessa battled against my sleepiness before finally letting me drift off.

Next year I would actually like to have something planned for halloween. Or have someone else plan so that I can be apart of THOSE plans. I was so rared up for making a costume. I guess next year. :/
So, anyway, Sarah wants me to go up to chicago this christmas/new year instead of in may (i think). Sounds like a good deal to me except thats when oni-con is, and i always like to go to oni-con ): I will talk this over with Vanessa and Daniel. But that would make things ALOT easier for when mazzie_may comes down in March as I wouldn't have to make my money last quite as long. Something to ponder over. It would be nice BUT IT WOULD BE COLD. Dunno how I would handle it. All that... COLD.

Also, its november now~ O: And that nanowrimo thingy. Of course there is no way I could write anywhere near 50.000 words (is that the goal?) over the course of a month but I figure if I could get into the spirit of things and attempt a comic. (was thinking one page a day, though i'm already behind by two D: ) I'm leaning towards Resident Evil as my ideas with Wesker, Birkin & Co. know no ends. I'm curious to know, once I start a project, how long it will take me before I hate it. But if I could just get to the end I would be proud. ;__; I'd really like to try~ Though my story flow is so bad. I did have that one rough draft of something I was going to do at the beginning of the year? But I totally can't make heads or tails of it anymore. HMM

Hope everyone had a good Halloween and has a great November. Put those pencils and keyboards to work all you nano-participants! Good luck.

Pre-post edit... cuz i wanted to rage about this.

Post-post edit:
OH HAI, there is a wrimo counterpart for comics. nanomango? (lol, sounds retarded) but I shall be looking it up for details. XD neat.

fruits.basket, nanowrimo, halloween, clubbing, plans, drinking

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