
Mar 10, 2008 16:12


I just got up a little while ago from about a 13 hour sleep. Do I feel any better? Uuuuuhhhh, not particularly. I feel RESTED though, which I guess counts for something. But then, not really if you're sick, I don't think it counts for shit. My parents grabbed me some medicine yesterday, except that it was nighttime stuff. D: What am I supposed to do during my day (read: staying up @ night) suffering?!? (btw, caerfree, I read your suggestion, I just don't think I'm talented enough to accomplish that).

Yesterday sucked just about all day. On top of being sick, getting hardly sleep because of nephews making noise and not being able to breath & waking up to a yelling angry mother cuz my cat pooped (IN MY ROOM MIND YOU) and she stepped in it (AFTER SWINGING THE DOOR OVER IT, MIND YOU, smearing it into the carpet) I had to get up earlier than planned and clean it up. Where she started yelling at me more about it and I was so upset and sickly I almost cried/started cussing her ass out. Never done that before, and have never been so close to doing it. WTF MAN. Then the store was a mess last night and we had to stay a little longer cleaning it up.

I hope we have things I can eat at home. Nothing outside is within my budget. OF NOTHING. Speaking of which I need to start makin' some money. Thankfully I at least have 20 hours this week, but if I'm going to have any extra to spend on my trip I need to work a little harder. ((OMG, i just realized my mom's spring break is next week and not this, YEEESSS... though when I'm sick I think I'd rather have her home. Damn)) Volunteered to help my mom with her stuff cuz she said she'd pay me. :/ Cleaning houses, sewing projects, house chores, etc. But being sick is not helping me! Plus she cleans houses on weekends and I always work! D: GAH! Tired of working weekends. I still have those commissions I gotta do. DDD: Im so horrible at procrastinating on those, omg. But it's like, not just that but I get all perfectionist when people are paying money for my stuff. ): Need to get out of that state of mind, and just WORK ON THEM. THEY MEAN MONEY. WHICH I NEED... DESPERATELY. ): C'mon tax refund. I needs you.

UUuuuuuuuuugh Think Positive~ x____x Now excuse me while I go blow my brains out.

sicks, family, money, general annoyances

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