HP MEME and stuff.

Jul 08, 2007 02:45



Nothing's been happening. Its been raining. I didn't go to corpus. ;3; I wanna hang with Starr SO BAD. CUZZIES!! I played lots of Katamari. Rolled up the King, Queen, got all the cousins, and am about 8.000 roses into the 1mil roses stage. I ordered tix for HP on tues night. WHOO I have nothing to dress up in! But my Ravenclaw buddeh hisui_yui will be accompanying me. :3

And now for a HP meme from jcho:

If you attended Hogwarts...

Who would you most likely-

Date: Probably NO ONE. I went all of my middleschool/highschool without dating someone. I doubt it would be much different just because Imma witch. :/

If there were any slytherins I particularly liked in the book probably them. But there aren't. Alot of my friends are Slytherin, so I'm sure I'd get along with SOME of them. (maybe not named characters) Ron, Ginny, F&G,(hur weasleys) Neville, Luna, Hagrid :3 , aaand I totally can't think of many other charas. @_@ Maybe Harry too though? hrm.

Loathe: Draco and his bunch, the Creevy brothers would annoy me alot, though I wouldn't say anything and continued to be pestered (if that's what they wished to do), that one girl that told on DA, and UGH UMBRIDGE. Possibly Snape. (I DO NOT LIKE SNAPE, sry gaiz) And to go along with some of jcho's sentiments, I probably wouldn't like the marauders irl either. There's a slight possiblilty I'd wanna be cool and hang out with them... But I'm sure I'd just think they were jerks and "loathe" them. I'd probably try and stand up for the kids they made fun of. :/ Though. UGH... secret passages. I would wanna know that stuff. @_@ damn.

Idolize: Dumbledore, lol. Cuz he's quirky and awesome and great. XD (and NOT dead, he lives in me~ ... like mufasa) And Lupin, cuz I love awesome teachers.

Borrow clothes from: But we all wear the same thiiing~ XD Maybe Ginny. Cuz you know she'd be fly.

Kill: No one, but I know i'd wanna raise my wand against a few slytherins >/


Professor: Lupin. Hands down. I dunno what else to say. XD

Class: Herbology, because I like to get my hands dirty. Charms, and Transfiguration, and depending on who taught it Care of Magical Creatures.

House: Ravenclaw!! (D: but i'm like... Hufflepuff I think. RejectHousePride and all that, but GOD I WANNA BE A RAVENCLAW)

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean: ... I dunno :/ I never had them. I'd probably stay away from them too. ChocoFrogs, thnx.

Least Favorites-

Professor: Umbridge, and Snape. Cuz I know I would be one of those students that would piss him off.

Class: Possibly Muggle Studies. Because I don't think I'd be a pure-blood, and therefore would know about MuggleStudies and not find it facinating at all. Divination, History of Magic.

House: Probably Slytherin.

Bertie Botts Every Flavor Bean: Earwax maybe? Or Vomit.. D: cuz i hear that's a flavor.

Who would you hang out with?
[ ]James Potter
[ ]Sirius Black
[ ]Remus Lupin
[x]Rubeus Hagrid
[ ]Peeves the Poltergeist
[ ]Nearly Headless Nick
[ ]House Elves
[ ]Lucius Malfoy
[x]Frank Longbottom
[ ]Lily Evans
[ ]Moaning Myrtle

Who would you take to the Yule Ball?: A friend. Ginny or Luna. XD It'd totally be a girl. Or I wouldn't take anyone :/ Hopefully Luna would at least be free though, since I know Ginny wouldn't. e.e; Maybe Ron or Neville if we were good enough friends though. Everyone else can just stfu, cuz we're not together, OKAY?

Who would you want to see dating?: I totally don't care to see anybody dating. Because that's how I am. EXCEPT FOR ONE OF THESE.
[ ]James and Lily
[ ]Alice and Frank
[ ]Remus and Lily
[ ]Sirius and Lily
[ ]Severus and Moaning Myrtle
[ ]Albus and Minerva
[ ]Molly and Arthur
[ ]Sirius and Molly
[ ]Sirius and Alice
[X]Sirius and Remus
[ ]Remus and Narcissa
[ ]Lily and Frank
[ ]James and Alice

What position would you play in Quidditch?:
[ ]Keeper
[ ]Chaser
[ ]Beater
[ ]Ref
[ ]Iwouldn't play
(cuz I gots awesome sight, and don't have to pay attention as much. THOUGH I'd probably get distracted. ... ok, i'd at least try out for seeker, whether or not I'd make it is up to the team lead)

Your hangout spot would be:
[x]Your house common room
[ ]Hagrid's hut
[x]Hogsmeade (Cuz YAY FIELD TRIPS!)
[ ]With Moaning Myrtle in the bathroom

Favorite Method of Traveling:
[x]Broomstick (Once I felt safe enough, I know I'd fucking love it.)
[]Floo Powder
[]Apparating (CUZ WHEE less effort.)

If you were an animagi what would you turn into?: Yeah, probably a cat. Though possibly a SKUNK. :3 hahah what a shitty patronus that would make.

OH OH OH!!! GAIZ! I ordered a HD today for my laptop!! I'm so happy~ X3 I should get it in and all fixed up by the end of the week. |DDD

life:ok, video games, movies, laptop, family, purchases, harrypotter, friends, birthday

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